local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://www.paste.tc/denbeme-79'))() local MainWindow = library:CreateWindow("Farming") local EggsWindow = library:CreateWindow("Eggs") local GameLibrary = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")) local Network = GameLibrary.Network local Run_Service = game:GetService("RunService") local rs = Run_Service.RenderStepped local CurrencyOrder = {"Tech Coins", "Fantasy Coins", "Coins", "Diamonds",} local IMightKillMyselfCauseOfThis = { --Misc ['VIP'] = {'VIP'}; --Spawn ['Town'] = {'Town', 'Town FRONT'}; ['Forest'] = {'Forest', 'Forest FRONT'}; ['Beach'] = {'Beach', 'Beach FRONT'}; ['Mine'] = {'Mine', 'Mine FRONT'}; ['Winter'] = {'Winter', 'Winter FRONT'}; ['Glacier'] = {'Glacier', 'Glacier Lake'}; ['Desert'] = {'Desert', 'Desert FRONT'}; ['Volcano'] = {'Volcano', 'Volcano FRONT'}; -- Fantasy init ['Enchanted Forest'] = {'Enchanted Forest', 'Enchanted Forest FRONT'}; ['Ancient'] = {'Ancient'}; ['Samurai'] = {'Samurai', 'Samurai FRONT'}; ['Candy'] = {'Candy'}; ['Haunted'] = {'Haunted', 'Haunted FRONT'}; ['Hell'] = {'Hell'}; ['Heaven'] = {'Heaven'}; -- Tech ['Ice Tech'] = {'Ice Tech'}; ['Tech City'] = {'Tech City'; 'Tech City FRONT'}; ['Dark Tech'] = {'Dark Tech'; 'Dark Tech FRONT'}; ['Steampunk'] = {'Steampunk'; 'Steampunk FRONT'}, ['Alien Forest'] = {"Alien Forest"; "Alien Forest FRONT"}, ['Alien Lab'] = {"Alien Forest"; "Alien Lab FRONT"}; } local AreaList = { --These match the IMightKillMyselfCuaseOfThis table 'All'; 'VIP'; 'Town'; 'Forest'; 'Beach'; 'Mine'; 'Winter'; 'Glacier'; 'Desert'; 'Volcano'; 'Enchanted Forest'; 'Ancient'; 'Samurai'; 'Candy'; 'Haunted'; 'Hell'; 'Heaven'; 'Ice Tech'; 'Tech City'; 'Dark Tech'; 'Steampunk'; 'Alien Lab'; 'Alien Forest'; } local Chests = { "All"; -- Spawn "Magma Chest", -- Fantasy "Enchanted Chest", "Hell Chest", "Haunted Chest", "Angel Chest", "Grand Heaven Chest", -- Tech "Giant Tech Chest"; "Giant Steampunk Chest"; "Giant Alien Chest"; } workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.MAIN:FireServer("b", "buy egg") workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.MAIN:FireServer("b", "join coin") workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.MAIN:FireServer("a", "farm coin") workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.MAIN:FireServer("a", "claim orbs") workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.MAIN:FireServer("a", "change pet target") --Farms a coin. It seems to work. That's fun function FarmCoin(CoinID, PetID) game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["join coin"]:InvokeServer({[1] = CoinID, [2] = {[1] = PetID}}) game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["farm coin"]:FireServer({[1] = CoinID, [2] = PetID}) end function GetMyPets() local returntable = {} for i,v in pairs(GameLibrary.Save.Get().Pets) do if v.e then table.insert(returntable, v.uid) end end return returntable end --returns all coins within the given area (area must be a table of conent) function GetCoins(area) local returntable = {} local ListCoins = game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["get coins"]:InvokeServer({})[1] for i,v in pairs(ListCoins) do if MainWindow.flags.FarmingArea == 'All' or table.find(IMightKillMyselfCauseOfThis[MainWindow.flags.FarmingArea], v.a) then local shit = v shit["index"] = i table.insert(returntable, shit) end end return returntable end --Sexy man ( wYn#0001 ) made this for me. It works, not sure how, it does. function GetCoinTable(area) local CoinTable = GetCoins(area) function getKeysSortedByValue(tbl, sortFunction) local keys = {} for key in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(keys, key) end table.sort( keys, function(a, b) return sortFunction(tbl[a].h, tbl[b].h) end ) return keys end local sortedKeys = getKeysSortedByValue(CoinTable, function(a, b) return a > b end) local newCoinTable = {} for i,v in pairs(sortedKeys) do table.insert(newCoinTable, CoinTable[v]) end return newCoinTable end --Not sure exactly why I did this local AreaWorldTable = {} for _, v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Game.Coins:GetChildren()) do for _, b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do table.insert(AreaWorldTable, b.Name) end table.insert(AreaWorldTable, v.Name) end --Returns all the currently alive chests in the game the same was getcoins does function AllChests() local returntable = {} local ListCoins = game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["get coins"]:InvokeServer({})[1] for i,v in pairs(ListCoins) do local shit = v shit["index"] = i for aa,bb in pairs(AreaWorldTable) do if string.find(v.n, bb) then local thing = string.gsub(v.n, bb.." ", "") if table.find(Chests, thing) then shit.n = thing table.insert(returntable, shit) end end end end return returntable end --[[ --the remote works like this. I'm too scared to test anything else out function CollectOrbs() local ohTable1 = {[1] = {}} for i,v in pairs(game.workspace['__THINGS'].Orbs:GetChildren()) do ohTable1[1][i] = v.Name end game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["claim orbs"]:FireServer(ohTable1) end ]] if _G.MyConnection then _G.MyConnection:Disconnect() end _G.MyConnection = game.Workspace.__THINGS.Orbs.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Orb) game.Workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES["claim orbs"]:FireServer({{Orb.Name}}) end) MainWindow:Toggle("Enabled", {flag = 'FarmingEnabled'}, function(new) local CurrentFarmingPets = {} while task.wait() and MainWindow.flags.FarmingEnabled do local pethingy = GetMyPets() if MainWindow.flags.FarmingType == 'Normal' then local cointhiny = GetCoins(MainWindow.flags.FarmingArea) for i = 1, #cointhiny do if MainWindow.flags.FarmingEnabled and game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[i].index) then for _, bb in pairs(pethingy) do if MainWindow.flags.FarmingEnabled and game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[i].index) then wait(0.1) spawn(function() FarmCoin(cointhiny[i].index, bb) end) end end repeat task.wait() until not game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[i].index) end end elseif MainWindow.flags.FarmingType == 'Chest' then for i,v in pairs(AllChests()) do if (v.n == MainWindow.flags.FarmingSingleChest) or (MainWindow.flags.FarmingSingleChest == 'All') then local starttick = tick() for a, b in pairs(pethingy) do coroutine.wrap(function() FarmCoin(v.index, b) end)() end repeat task.wait() until not game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(v.index) or #game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins[v.index].Pets:GetChildren() == 0 warn(v.n .. " has been broken in", tick()-starttick) end end elseif MainWindow.flags.FarmingType == 'Multi Target' then local cointhiny = GetCoins(MainWindow.flags.FarmingArea) for i = 1, #cointhiny do if i%#pethingy == #pethingy-1 then wait() end if not CurrentFarmingPets[pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]] or CurrentFarmingPets[pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]] == nil then wait(0.1) spawn(function() CurrentFarmingPets[pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]] = 'Farming' FarmCoin(cointhiny[i].index, pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]) repeat rs:wait() until not game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[i].index) or #game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[i].index).Pets:GetChildren() == 0 CurrentFarmingPets[pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]] = nil end) end end elseif MainWindow.flags.FarmingType == 'Highest Value' then local cointhiny = GetCoinTable(MainWindow.flags.FarmingArea) for a,b in pairs(pethingy) do spawn(function() wait() FarmCoin(cointhiny[1].index, b) end) end repeat rs:wait() until not game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:FindFirstChild(cointhiny[1].index) or #game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins[cointhiny[1].index].Pets:GetChildren() == 0 elseif MainWindow.flags.FarmingType == 'Nearest' then local NearestOne = nil local NearestDistance = math.huge for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Coins:GetChildren()) do if (v.POS.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < NearestDistance then NearestOne = v NearestDistance = (v.POS.Position - game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude end end for a,b in pairs(pethingy) do spawn(function() FarmCoin(NearestOne.Name, b) end) end end end end) MainWindow:Dropdown("Type", {flag = 'FarmingType', list = {'Normal', 'Chest', 'Multi Target', 'Highest Value', 'Nearest'}}) MainWindow:Dropdown("If chest", {flag = 'FarmingSingleChest', list = Chests}) MainWindow:Dropdown("Area", {flag = 'FarmingArea', list = AreaList}) MainWindow:Toggle("Collect Loot Bags", {flag = 'Lootbags', default = _G.Lootbags or false}, function() if MainWindow.flags.Lootbags then while task.wait() and MainWindow.flags.Lootbags do for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")["__THINGS"].Lootbags:GetChildren()) do spawn(function() if v ~= nil and v.ClassName == 'MeshPart' then v.Transparency = 1 for a,b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if not string.find(b.Name, "Body") then b:Destroy() end end repeat task.wait() v.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame until v == nil or not v.Parent end end) end end end end) MainWindow:Button("Stat Tracker", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://www.paste.tc/dfdfhb-651'))() wait(60) warn("60s has PASSED!") end) MainWindow:Button("POSSIBLE Lag reduction", function() game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.Scripts.GUIs["Coin Rewards HUD"].Disabled = true if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("__DEBRIS") then game:GetService("Workspace")["__DEBRIS"]:Destroy() end end) local MyEggData = {} local littleuselesstable = {} local GameLibrary = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")) for i,v in pairs(GameLibrary.Directory.Eggs) do local temptable = {} temptable['Name'] = i temptable['Currency'] = v.currency temptable['Price'] = v.cost table.insert(MyEggData, temptable) end table.sort(MyEggData, function(a, b) return a.Price < b.Price end) local EggData = {} for i,v in pairs(CurrencyOrder) do table.insert(EggData, " ") table.insert(EggData, "-- "..v.." --") for a,b in pairs(MyEggData) do if b.Currency == v then table.insert(EggData, b.Name) end end end EggsWindow:Toggle("Open Eggs", {flag = 'OpenEggs'}, function(new) while wait() and EggsWindow.flags.OpenEggs do local ohTable1 = { [1] = EggsWindow.flags.SelectedEgg, [2] = EggsWindow.flags.TripleEggs } workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES["buy egg"]:InvokeServer(ohTable1) end end) EggsWindow:Dropdown('Egg', {flag = 'SelectedEgg', list = EggData}) EggsWindow:Toggle("Triple Eggs", {flag = 'TripleEggs'}) EggsWindow:Section(" ") EggsWindow:Button("Remove Egg animation", function() for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do if (typeof(v) == 'table' and rawget(v, 'OpenEgg')) then v.OpenEgg = function() return end end end end) EggsWindow:Button("Gamepasses", function() local main = debug.getupvalues(require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")).Save.Get)[2][game.Players.LocalPlayer].save.Gamepasses table.insert(main,18674296) table.insert(main,18674298) table.insert(main,18674321) end) --Anti AFK stolen from infinite yield // the readily available old one :) local GC = getconnections or get_signal_cons if GC then for i,v in pairs(GC(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled)) do if v["Disable"] then v["Disable"](v) elseif v["Disconnect"] then v["Disconnect"](v) end end else print("lol bad exploit") local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() vu:Button2Down(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) wait(1) vu:Button2Up(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end) end warn("Everything has loaded fully. Enjoy :)")