Overall summary: Final result: Failed: see details below Exit code (Decimal): -2066808831 Start time: 2022-08-24 23:07:46 End time: 2022-08-24 23:08:11 Requested action: Install Setup completed with required actions for features. Troubleshooting information for those features: Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. Next step for Browser: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again. Machine Properties: Machine name: DESKTOP-76F1QI5 Machine processor count: 16 OS version: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (10.0.22000) OS service pack: OS region: Türkiye OS language: Türkçe (Türkiye) OS architecture: x64 Process architecture: 64 Bit OS clustered: No Product features discovered: Product Instance Instance ID Feature Language Edition Version Clustered Configured Package properties: Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 ProductName: SQL Server 2019 Type: RTM Version: 15 SPLevel: 0 Installation location: C:\SQL2019\Express_ENU\x64\setup\ Installation edition: Express Product Update Status: User selected not to include product updates. User Input Settings: ACTION: Install ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN: true AGTSVCACCOUNT: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE AGTSVCPASSWORD: ***** AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Disabled ASBACKUPDIR: Backup ASCOLLATION: Latin1_General_CI_AS ASCONFIGDIR: Config ASDATADIR: Data ASLOGDIR: Log ASPROVIDERMSOLAP: 1 ASSERVERMODE: TABULAR ASSVCACCOUNT: ASSVCPASSWORD: ASSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS: ASTELSVCACCT: ASTELSVCPASSWORD: ASTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE: 0 ASTEMPDIR: Temp BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Disabled CLTCTLRNAME: CLTRESULTDIR: CLTSTARTUPTYPE: 0 CLTSVCACCOUNT: CLTSVCPASSWORD: CLTWORKINGDIR: COMMFABRICENCRYPTION: 0 COMMFABRICNETWORKLEVEL: 0 COMMFABRICPORT: 0 CONFIGURATIONFILE: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20220824_230737\ConfigurationFile.ini CTLRSTARTUPTYPE: 0 CTLRSVCACCOUNT: CTLRSVCPASSWORD: CTLRUSERS: ENABLERANU: true ENU: true EXTSVCACCOUNT: EXTSVCPASSWORD: FEATURES: SQLENGINE FILESTREAMLEVEL: 0 FILESTREAMSHARENAME: FTSVCACCOUNT: FTSVCPASSWORD: HELP: false IACCEPTPYTHONLICENSETERMS: false IACCEPTROPENLICENSETERMS: false IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS: true IACKNOWLEDGEENTCALLIMITS: false INDICATEPROGRESS: true INSTALLSHAREDDIR: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\ INSTALLSQLDATADIR: INSTANCEDIR: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server INSTANCEID: SQLEXPRESS INSTANCENAME: SQLEXPRESS ISMASTERSVCACCOUNT: NT AUTHORITY\Network Service ISMASTERSVCPASSWORD: ISMASTERSVCPORT: 8391 ISMASTERSVCSSLCERTCN: ISMASTERSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic ISMASTERSVCTHUMBPRINT: ISSVCACCOUNT: NT AUTHORITY\Network Service ISSVCPASSWORD: ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic ISTELSVCACCT: ISTELSVCPASSWORD: ISTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE: 0 ISWORKERSVCACCOUNT: NT AUTHORITY\Network Service ISWORKERSVCCERT: ISWORKERSVCMASTER: ISWORKERSVCPASSWORD: ISWORKERSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic MATRIXCMBRICKCOMMPORT: 0 MATRIXCMSERVERNAME: MATRIXNAME: MRCACHEDIRECTORY: NPENABLED: 0 PBDMSSVCACCOUNT: PBDMSSVCPASSWORD: PBDMSSVCSTARTUPTYPE: 0 PBENGSVCACCOUNT: PBENGSVCPASSWORD: PBENGSVCSTARTUPTYPE: 0 PBPORTRANGE: PBSCALEOUT: false PID: ***** QUIET: true QUIETSIMPLE: false ROLE: AllFeatures_WithDefaults RSINSTALLMODE: DefaultNativeMode RSSVCACCOUNT: RSSVCPASSWORD: RSSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic SAPWD: SECURITYMODE: SQLBACKUPDIR: SQLCOLLATION: Turkish_CI_AS SQLJAVADIR: SQLMAXDOP: 0 SQLMAXMEMORY: 2147483647 SQLMINMEMORY: 0 SQLSVCACCOUNT: NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS SQLSVCINSTANTFILEINIT: true SQLSVCPASSWORD: SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS: DESKTOP-76F1QI5\90534 SQLTELSVCACCT: NT Service\SQLTELEMETRY$SQLEXPRESS SQLTELSVCPASSWORD: SQLTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE: Automatic SQLTEMPDBDIR: SQLTEMPDBFILECOUNT: 1 SQLTEMPDBFILEGROWTH: 64 SQLTEMPDBFILESIZE: 8 SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR: SQLTEMPDBLOGFILEGROWTH: 64 SQLTEMPDBLOGFILESIZE: 8 SQLUSERDBDIR: SQLUSERDBLOGDIR: SUPPRESSPAIDEDITIONNOTICE: false SUPPRESSPRIVACYSTATEMENTNOTICE: false TCPENABLED: 0 UIMODE: AutoAdvance UpdateEnabled: false UpdateSource: MU USEMICROSOFTUPDATE: false USESQLRECOMMENDEDMEMORYLIMITS: false X86: false Configuration file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20220824_230737\ConfigurationFile.ini Detailed results: Feature: Database Engine Services Status: Failed Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features Component error code: 1639 Component log file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20220824_230737\sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu64_1_Local.log Error description: Geçersiz komut satırı bağımsız değişkeni. Ayrıntılı komut satırı yardımı için Windows Installer SDK'ya başvurun. Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=15.0.4013.40&EvtType=sql_engine_core_inst.msi%400x162A16FE%400x1639 Feature: SQL Browser Status: Failed Reason for failure: An error occurred during the setup process of the feature. Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again. Component name: SQL Server Browser Component error code: 0x84CF0001 Error description: SQL Server Browser configuration for feature 'SQL_Browser_Redist_SqlBrowser_Cpu32' was cancelled by user after a previous installation failure. The last attempted step: Adding access control entry '(A;OICI;0x1200a9;;;[SQLServer2005SQLBrowserUser$DESKTOP-76F1QI5])' to directory '[DirSharedForCurrentVersion]' in order to configure the SQL Server Browser service.. Error help link: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=15.0.4013.40&EvtType=0x27731616%400x735014D4%401231%401&EvtType=0x27731616%400x735014D4%401231%401 Feature: SQL Writer Status: Passed Feature: SQL Client Connectivity SDK Status: Passed Rules with failures or warnings: Global rules: Warning IsFirewallEnabled The Windows Firewall is enabled. Make sure the appropriate ports are open to enable remote access. See the rules documentation at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2094702 for information about ports to open for each feature. Rules report file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20220824_230737\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm