// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0 //https://twitter.com/DermenHan // © smtHaN //@version=5 indicator(title='TARAMA', shorttitle='TARAMA', overlay=true) gurupSec = input.string(defval='1', options=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5','6','7'], group='Taraması yapılacak 40\'arlı gruplardan birini seçin', title='Grup seç') per = input.timeframe(defval='240', title='PERİYOT',group = "Tarama yapmak istediğiniz periyotu seçin") loc = input.int(defval=10, title='Konum Ayarı', minval = -100,maxval = 100 , step = 5, group='Tablonun konumunu belirleyin') length1 = 21 length2 = 50 recentHigh = ta.highest(close, 100) ema1 = ta.ema(close, length1) sma1 = ta.sma(close, length2) plot(ema1, color=color.green, title="21-day EMA") plot(sma1, color=color.red, title="50-day SMA") // Create a table at the top-left of the chart with 2 columns and 3 rows var table myTable = table.new(position.bottom_right, 2, 3, bgcolor = color.black, border_width = 2, frame_width=1, frame_color = color.white, border_color=color.white) var table myTable1 = table.new(position.top_right, 1, 2, bgcolor = color.black, border_width = 1, frame_width=1, frame_color = color.white, border_color=color.white) // Populate the table table.cell(myTable, 0, 0, "EMA") table.cell(myTable, 1, 0, "Line") table.cell(myTable, 0, 1, "21 EMA") table.cell(myTable, 1, 1, "─") table.cell(myTable, 0, 2, "50 SMA") table.cell(myTable, 1, 2, "─") // Setting cell text color to green and red respectively table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 0, 0, color.white) table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 1, 0, color.white) table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 0, 1, color.white) table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 0, 2, color.white) table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 1, 1, color.green) table.cell_set_text_color(myTable, 1, 2, color.red) // Start Conditions startCondition1 = math.sum(low > ema1 ? 1 : 0, 10) >= 10 startCondition2 = math.sum(ema1 > sma1 ? 1 : 0, 5) >= 5 startCondition3 = sma1 > sma1[1] startCondition4 = close > open var bool inPosition = false //var bool startCondition = false //var bool endCondition = false startCondition = not inPosition and startCondition1 and startCondition2 and startCondition3 and startCondition4 endCondition = inPosition and (ta.crossover(sma1, ema1) or (close < 0.9 * recentHigh and close < sma1)) if (startCondition) inPosition := true if (endCondition) inPosition := false plotshape(startCondition, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, text="Trend On", textcolor = color.white) plotshape(endCondition, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, text="Trend Off", textcolor = color.white) //Populate Powertrend symbol // Populate the table table.cell(myTable1, 0, 0, "Power Trend Status") table.cell_set_text_color(myTable1, 0, 0, color.white) if (inPosition) table.cell(myTable1, 0, 1, "●", text_color = color.green) else table.cell(myTable1, 0, 1, "●", text_color = color.red) table.set_position(myTable1, position.middle_right) func() => //ÖRNEK BİR FONKSİYON AŞAĞIDA YAZILMIŞTIR. SİZ DE İSTEDİĞİNİZ KOŞULLAR İÇİN TARAMA YAZABİLİRSİNİZ. rsi = ta.rsi(close,14) cond = startCondition [close,cond] c1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:AVOD',group = "1. Grup Hisseleri") c2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:ACSEL') c3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:ADESE') c4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:AFYON') c5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:AHGAZ') c6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:AKCNS') c7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:ATEKS') c8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:AKSGY') c9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:AKMGY') c10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:AKSA') c11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:AKSEN') c12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:ALBRK') c13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:ALCTL') c14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:ALFAS') c15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:ALKA') c16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:ALKIM') c17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:ANELE') c18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:ARDYZ') c19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:ARENA') c20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:INGRM') c21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:ASELS') c22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:ASTOR') c23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:ATAGY') c24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:ATATP') c25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:BAKAB') c26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:BNTAS') c27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:BANVT') c28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:BARMA') c29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:BASGZ') c30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:BAYRK') c31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:BERA') c32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:BRKSN') c33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:BEYAZ') c34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:BIENY') c35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:BLCYT') c36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:BIMAS') c37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:BIOEN') c38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:BRLSM') c39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:BOBET') c40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:BOSSA') d1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:BURCE',group = "2. Grup Hisseleri") d2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:BURVA') d3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:BUCIM') d4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:CANTE') d5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:CLEBI') d6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:CELHA') d7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:CEMAS') d8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:CEMTS') d9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:CMBTN') d10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:CIMSA') d11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:CONSE') d12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:COSMO') d13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:CVKMD') d14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:CWENE') d15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:DAPGM') d16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:DARDL') d17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:DGATE') d18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:DESA') d19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:DESPC') d20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:DNISI') d21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:DITAS') d22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:DGNMO') d23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:ARASE') d24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:DGGYO') d25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:DOAS') d26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:DOGUB') d27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:DYOBY') d28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:EDATA') d29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:EGEEN') d30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:EGGUB') d31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:EGPRO') d32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:EKSUN') d33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:ELITE') d34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:ENJSA') d35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:ERCB') d36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:EREGL') d37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:ERSU') d38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:ESCOM') d39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:TEZOL') d40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:EUPWR') e1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:EYGYO',group = "3. Grup Hisseleri") e2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:FMIZP') e3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:FONET') e4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:FORMT') e5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:FORTE') e6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:GWIND') e7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:GEDZA') e8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:GENIL') e9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:GENTS') e10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:GEREL') e11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:GMTAS') e12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:GESAN') e13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:GOODY') e14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:GRTRK') e15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:GUBRF') e16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:HLGYO') e17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:HKTM') e18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:HUBVC') e19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:HUNER') e20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:IDGYO') e21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:IHEVA') e22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:IHLGM') e23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:IHGZT') e24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:IHYAY') e25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:IMASM') e26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:INTEM') e27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:INVES') e28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:ISSEN') e29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:ISKPL') e30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:IEYHO') e31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:ISDMR') e32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:IZINV') e33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:IZFAS') e34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:JANTS') e35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:KLKIM') e36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:KRDMA') e37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:KRDMB') e38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:KRDMD') e39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:KARSN') e40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:KRTEK') f1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:KARYE',group = "4. Grup Hisseleri") f2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:KTLEV') f3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:KATMR') f4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:KAYSE') f5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:KERVT') f6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:KRVGD') f7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:KMPUR') f8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:KZBGY') f9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:KCAER') f10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:KNFRT') f11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:KONTR') f12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:KONYA') f13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:KONKA') f14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:KGYO') f15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:KORDS') f16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:KRGYO') f17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:KRPLS') f18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:KOPOL') f19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:KRSTL') f20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:KRONT') f21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:KUTPO') f22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:KUYAS') f23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:LINK') f24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:LKMNH') f25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:LUKSK') f26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:MAKIM') f27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:MAKTK') f28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:MANAS') f29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:MTRKS') f30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:MAVI') f31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:MEDTR') f32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:MEGAP') f33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:MNDRS') f34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:MERCN') f35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:MERKO') f36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:MIATK') f37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:MIPAZ') f38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:MSGYO') f39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:MPARK') f40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:MOBTL') g1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:MNDTR',group = "5. Grup Hisseleri") g2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:EGEPO') g3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:NTGAZ') g4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:NETAS') g5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:NIBAS') g6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:NUHCM') g7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:NUGYO') g8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:ODAS') g9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:ONCSM') g10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:ORGE') g11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:OSTIM') g12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:OTKAR') g13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:OYAKC') g14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:OYLUM') g15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:OZGYO') g16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:OZRDN') g17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:OZSUB') g18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:PNLSN') g19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:PAGYO') g20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:PRDGS') g21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:PASEU') g22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:PSGYO') g23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:PCILT') g24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:PGSUS') g25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:PEKGY') g26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:PENGD') g27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:PENTA') g28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:PETUN') g29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:PNSUT') g30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:PKART') g31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:PLTUR') g32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:POLHO') g33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:POLTK') g34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:RNPOL') g35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:RALYH') g36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:ICUGS') g37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:RODRG') g38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:RUBNS') g39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:SAFKR') g40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:SNICA') h1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:SANFM',group = "6. Grup Hisseleri") h2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:SANKO') h3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:SAMAT') h4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:SASA') h5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:SAYAS') h6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:SEKUR') h7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:SELEC') h8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:SELGD') h9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:SELVA') h10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:SRVGY') h11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='BIST:SILVR') h12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='BIST:SNGYO') h13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='BIST:SMRTG') h14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='BIST:SMART') h15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='BIST:SOKE') h16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='BIST:SONME') h17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='BIST:SUNTK') h18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='BIST:SUWEN') h19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='BIST:TKFEN') h20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='BIST:TKNSA') h21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='BIST:TMPOL') h22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='BIST:TGSAS') h23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='BIST:TDGYO') h24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='BIST:TSGYO') h25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='BIST:TUCLK') h26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='BIST:TUKAS') h27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='BIST:TMSN') h28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='BIST:TUPRS') h29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='BIST:TRCAS') h30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='BIST:TUREX') h31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='BIST:THYAO') h32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='BIST:TRILC') h33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='BIST:PRKAB') h34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='BIST:TTRAK') h35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='BIST:TURGG') h36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='BIST:ULUSE') h37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='BIST:ULUUN') h38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='BIST:USAK') h39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='BIST:VAKKO') h40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='BIST:VBTYZ') j1 = input.symbol(title='1', defval='BIST:VERUS',group = "7. Grup Hisseleri") j2 = input.symbol(title='2', defval='BIST:VERTU') j3 = input.symbol(title='3', defval='BIST:VESBE') j4 = input.symbol(title='4', defval='BIST:YAPRK') j5 = input.symbol(title='5', defval='BIST:YATAS') j6 = input.symbol(title='6', defval='BIST:YYLGD') j7 = input.symbol(title='7', defval='BIST:YEOTK') j8 = input.symbol(title='8', defval='BIST:YUNSA') j9 = input.symbol(title='9', defval='BIST:ZEDUR') j10 = input.symbol(title='10', defval='BIST:XU100') j11 = input.symbol(title='11', defval='') j12 = input.symbol(title='12', defval='') j13 = input.symbol(title='13', defval='') j14 = input.symbol(title='14', defval='') j15 = input.symbol(title='15', defval='') j16 = input.symbol(title='16', defval='') j17 = input.symbol(title='17', defval='') j18 = input.symbol(title='18', defval='') j19 = input.symbol(title='19', defval='') j20 = input.symbol(title='20', defval='') j21 = input.symbol(title='21', defval='') j22 = input.symbol(title='22', defval='') j23 = input.symbol(title='23', defval='') j24 = input.symbol(title='24', defval='') j25 = input.symbol(title='25', defval='') j26 = input.symbol(title='26', defval='') j27 = input.symbol(title='27', defval='') j28 = input.symbol(title='28', defval='') j29 = input.symbol(title='29', defval='') j30 = input.symbol(title='30', defval='') j31 = input.symbol(title='31', defval='') j32 = input.symbol(title='32', defval='') j33 = input.symbol(title='33', defval='') j34 = input.symbol(title='34', defval='') j35 = input.symbol(title='35', defval='') j36 = input.symbol(title='36', defval='') j37 = input.symbol(title='37', defval='') j38 = input.symbol(title='38', defval='') j39 = input.symbol(title='39', defval='') j40 = input.symbol(title='40', defval='') //GRUP VE TARANACAK HİSSE SAYISINI AYNI ŞEKİLDE DİLEDİĞİNİZ GİBİ ARTIRABİLİRSİNİZ. a1 = gurupSec == '1' ? c1 : gurupSec == '2' ? d1 : gurupSec == '3' ? e1 : gurupSec == '4' ? f1 : gurupSec == '5' ? g1 : gurupSec == '6' ? h1 : gurupSec == '7' ? j1 : na a2 = gurupSec == '1' ? c2 : gurupSec == '2' ? d2 : gurupSec == '3' ? e2 : gurupSec == '4' ? f2 : gurupSec == '5' ? g2 : gurupSec == '6' ? h2 : gurupSec == '7' ? j2 : na a3 = gurupSec == '1' ? c3 : gurupSec == '2' ? d3 : gurupSec == '3' ? e3 : gurupSec == '4' ? f3 : gurupSec == '5' ? g3 : gurupSec == '6' ? h3 : gurupSec == '7' ? j3 : na a4 = gurupSec == '1' ? c4 : gurupSec == '2' ? d4 : gurupSec == '3' ? e4 : gurupSec == '4' ? f4 : gurupSec == '5' ? g4 : gurupSec == '6' ? h4 : gurupSec == '7' ? j4 : na a5 = gurupSec == '1' ? c5 : gurupSec == '2' ? d5 : gurupSec == '3' ? e5 : gurupSec == '4' ? f5 : gurupSec == '5' ? g5 : gurupSec == '6' ? h5 : gurupSec == '7' ? j5 : na a6 = gurupSec == '1' ? c6 : gurupSec == '2' ? d6 : gurupSec == '3' ? e6 : gurupSec == '4' ? f6 : gurupSec == '5' ? g6 : gurupSec == '6' ? h6 : gurupSec == '7' ? j6 : na a7 = gurupSec == '1' ? c7 : gurupSec == '2' ? d7 : gurupSec == '3' ? e7 : gurupSec == '4' ? f7 : gurupSec == '5' ? g7 : gurupSec == '6' ? h7 : gurupSec == '7' ? j7 : na a8 = gurupSec == '1' ? c8 : gurupSec == '2' ? d8 : gurupSec == '3' ? e8 : gurupSec == '4' ? f8 : gurupSec == '5' ? g8 : gurupSec == '6' ? h8 : gurupSec == '7' ? j8 : na a9 = gurupSec == '1' ? c9 : gurupSec == '2' ? d9 : gurupSec == '3' ? e9 : gurupSec == '4' ? f9 : gurupSec == '5' ? g9 : gurupSec == '6' ? h9 : gurupSec == '7' ? j9 : na a10 = gurupSec == '1' ? c10 : gurupSec == '2' ? d10 : gurupSec == '3' ? e10 : gurupSec == '4' ? f10 : gurupSec == '5' ? g10 : gurupSec == '6' ? h10 : gurupSec == '7' ? j10 : na a11 = gurupSec == '1' ? c11 : gurupSec == '2' ? d11 : gurupSec == '3' ? e11 : gurupSec == '4' ? f11 : gurupSec == '5' ? g11 : gurupSec == '6' ? h11 : gurupSec == '7' ? j11 : na a12 = gurupSec == '1' ? c12 : gurupSec == '2' ? d12 : gurupSec == '3' ? e12 : gurupSec == '4' ? f12 : gurupSec == '5' ? g12 : gurupSec == '6' ? h12 : gurupSec == '7' ? j12 : na a13 = gurupSec == '1' ? c13 : gurupSec == '2' ? d13 : gurupSec == '3' ? e13 : gurupSec == '4' ? f13 : gurupSec == '5' ? g13 : gurupSec == '6' ? h13 : gurupSec == '7' ? j13 : na a14 = gurupSec == '1' ? c14 : gurupSec == '2' ? d14 : gurupSec == '3' ? e14 : gurupSec == '4' ? f14 : gurupSec == '5' ? g14 : gurupSec == '6' ? h14 : gurupSec == '7' ? j14 : na a15 = gurupSec == '1' ? c15 : gurupSec == '2' ? d15 : gurupSec == '3' ? e15 : gurupSec == '4' ? f15 : gurupSec == '5' ? g15 : gurupSec == '6' ? h15 : gurupSec == '7' ? j15 : na a16 = gurupSec == '1' ? c16 : gurupSec == '2' ? d16 : gurupSec == '3' ? e16 : gurupSec == '4' ? f16 : gurupSec == '5' ? g16 : gurupSec == '6' ? h16 : gurupSec == '7' ? j16 : na a17 = gurupSec == '1' ? c17 : gurupSec == '2' ? d17 : gurupSec == '3' ? e17 : gurupSec == '4' ? f17 : gurupSec == '5' ? g17 : gurupSec == '6' ? h17 : gurupSec == '7' ? j17 : na a18 = gurupSec == '1' ? c18 : gurupSec == '2' ? d18 : gurupSec == '3' ? e18 : gurupSec == '4' ? f18 : gurupSec == '5' ? g18 : gurupSec == '6' ? h18 : gurupSec == '7' ? j18 : na a19 = gurupSec == '1' ? c19 : gurupSec == '2' ? d19 : gurupSec == '3' ? e19 : gurupSec == '4' ? f19 : gurupSec == '5' ? g19 : gurupSec == '6' ? h19 : gurupSec == '7' ? j19 : na a20 = gurupSec == '1' ? c20 : gurupSec == '2' ? d20 : gurupSec == '3' ? e20 : gurupSec == '4' ? f20 : gurupSec == '5' ? g20 : gurupSec == '6' ? h20 : gurupSec == '7' ? j20 : na a21 = gurupSec == '1' ? c21 : gurupSec == '2' ? d21 : gurupSec == '3' ? e21 : gurupSec == '4' ? f21 : gurupSec == '5' ? g21 : gurupSec == '6' ? h21 : gurupSec == '7' ? j21 : na a22 = gurupSec == '1' ? c22 : gurupSec == '2' ? d22 : gurupSec == '3' ? e22 : gurupSec == '4' ? f22 : gurupSec == '5' ? g22 : gurupSec == '6' ? h22 : gurupSec == '7' ? j22 : na a23 = gurupSec == '1' ? c23 : gurupSec == '2' ? d23 : gurupSec == '3' ? e23 : gurupSec == '4' ? f23 : gurupSec == '5' ? g23 : gurupSec == '6' ? h23 : gurupSec == '7' ? j23 : na a24 = gurupSec == '1' ? c24 : gurupSec == '2' ? d24 : gurupSec == '3' ? e24 : gurupSec == '4' ? f24 : gurupSec == '5' ? g24 : gurupSec == '6' ? h24 : gurupSec == '7' ? j24 : na a25 = gurupSec == '1' ? c25 : gurupSec == '2' ? d25 : gurupSec == '3' ? e25 : gurupSec == '4' ? f25 : gurupSec == '5' ? g25 : gurupSec == '6' ? h25 : gurupSec == '7' ? j25 : na a26 = gurupSec == '1' ? c26 : gurupSec == '2' ? d26 : gurupSec == '3' ? e26 : gurupSec == '4' ? f26 : gurupSec == '5' ? g26 : gurupSec == '6' ? h26 : gurupSec == '7' ? j26 : na a27 = gurupSec == '1' ? c27 : gurupSec == '2' ? d27 : gurupSec == '3' ? e27 : gurupSec == '4' ? f27 : gurupSec == '5' ? g27 : gurupSec == '6' ? h27 : gurupSec == '7' ? j27 : na a28 = gurupSec == '1' ? c28 : gurupSec == '2' ? d28 : gurupSec == '3' ? e28 : gurupSec == '4' ? f28 : gurupSec == '5' ? g28 : gurupSec == '6' ? h28 : gurupSec == '7' ? j28 : na a29 = gurupSec == '1' ? c29 : gurupSec == '2' ? d29 : gurupSec == '3' ? e29 : gurupSec == '4' ? f29 : gurupSec == '5' ? g29 : gurupSec == '6' ? h29 : gurupSec == '7' ? j29 : na a30 = gurupSec == '1' ? c30 : gurupSec == '2' ? d30 : gurupSec == '3' ? e30 : gurupSec == '4' ? f30 : gurupSec == '5' ? g30 : gurupSec == '6' ? h30 : gurupSec == '7' ? j30 : na a31 = gurupSec == '1' ? c31 : gurupSec == '2' ? d31 : gurupSec == '3' ? e31 : gurupSec == '4' ? f31 : gurupSec == '5' ? g31 : gurupSec == '6' ? h31 : gurupSec == '7' ? j31: na a32 = gurupSec == '1' ? c32 : gurupSec == '2' ? d32 : gurupSec == '3' ? e32 : gurupSec == '4' ? f32 : gurupSec == '5' ? g32 : gurupSec == '6' ? h32 : gurupSec == '7' ? j32 : na a33 = gurupSec == '1' ? c33 : gurupSec == '2' ? d33 : gurupSec == '3' ? e33 : gurupSec == '4' ? f33 : gurupSec == '5' ? g33 : gurupSec == '6' ? h33 : gurupSec == '7' ? j33 : na a34 = gurupSec == '1' ? c34 : gurupSec == '2' ? d34 : gurupSec == '3' ? e34 : gurupSec == '4' ? f34 : gurupSec == '5' ? g34 : gurupSec == '6' ? h34 : gurupSec == '7' ? j34 : na a35 = gurupSec == '1' ? c35 : gurupSec == '2' ? d35 : gurupSec == '3' ? e35 : gurupSec == '4' ? f35 : gurupSec == '5' ? g35 : gurupSec == '6' ? h35 : gurupSec == '7' ? j35 : na a36 = gurupSec == '1' ? c36 : gurupSec == '2' ? d36 : gurupSec == '3' ? e36 : gurupSec == '4' ? f36 : gurupSec == '5' ? g36 : gurupSec == '6' ? h36 : gurupSec == '7' ? j36 : na a37 = gurupSec == '1' ? c37 : gurupSec == '2' ? d37 : gurupSec == '3' ? e37 : gurupSec == '4' ? f37 : gurupSec == '5' ? g37 : gurupSec == '6' ? h37 : gurupSec == '7' ? j37 : na a38 = gurupSec == '1' ? c38 : gurupSec == '2' ? d38 : gurupSec == '3' ? e38 : gurupSec == '4' ? f38 : gurupSec == '5' ? g38 : gurupSec == '6' ? h38 : gurupSec == '7' ? j38 : na a39 = gurupSec == '1' ? c39 : gurupSec == '2' ? d39 : gurupSec == '3' ? e39 : gurupSec == '4' ? f39 : gurupSec == '5' ? g39 : gurupSec == '6' ? h39 : gurupSec == '7' ? j39 : na a40 = gurupSec == '1' ? c40 : gurupSec == '2' ? d40 : gurupSec == '3' ? e40 : gurupSec == '4' ? f40 : gurupSec == '5' ? g40 : gurupSec == '6' ? h40 : gurupSec == '7' ? j40 : na [v1,s1] = request.security(a1, per, func()) [v2,s2] = request.security(a2, per, func()) [v3,s3] = request.security(a3, per, func()) [v4,s4] = request.security(a4, per, func()) [v5,s5] = request.security(a5, per, func()) [v6,s6] = request.security(a6, per, func()) [v7,s7] = request.security(a7, per, func()) [v8,s8] = request.security(a8, per, func()) [v9,s9] = request.security(a9, per, func()) [v10,s10] = request.security(a10, per, func()) [v11,s11] = request.security(a11, per, func()) [v12,s12] = request.security(a12, per, func()) [v13,s13] = request.security(a13, per, func()) [v14,s14] = request.security(a14, per, func()) [v15,s15] = request.security(a15, per, func()) [v16,s16] = request.security(a16, per, func()) [v17,s17] = request.security(a17, per, func()) [v18,s18] = request.security(a18, per, func()) [v19,s19] = request.security(a19, per, func()) [v20,s20] = request.security(a20, per, func()) [v21,s21] = request.security(a21, per, func()) [v22,s22] = request.security(a22, per, func()) [v23,s23] = request.security(a23, per, func()) [v24,s24] = request.security(a24, per, func()) [v25,s25] = request.security(a25, per, func()) [v26,s26] = request.security(a26, per, func()) [v27,s27] = request.security(a27, per, func()) [v28,s28] = request.security(a28, per, func()) [v29,s29] = request.security(a29, per, func()) [v30,s30] = request.security(a30, per, func()) [v31,s31] = request.security(a31, per, func()) [v32,s32] = request.security(a32, per, func()) [v33,s33] = request.security(a33, per, func()) [v34,s34] = request.security(a34, per, func()) [v35,s35] = request.security(a35, per, func()) [v36,s36] = request.security(a36, per, func()) [v37,s37] = request.security(a37, per, func()) [v38,s38] = request.security(a38, per, func()) [v39,s39] = request.security(a39, per, func()) [v40,s40] = request.security(a40, per, func()) scr_label = 'TARAMA\n' scr_label := s1 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a1) + ' ' + str.tostring(v1) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s2 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a2) + ' ' + str.tostring(v2) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s3 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a3) + ' ' + str.tostring(v3) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s4 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a4) + ' ' + str.tostring(v4) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s5 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a5) + ' ' + str.tostring(v5) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s6 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a6) + ' ' + str.tostring(v6) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s7 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a7) + ' ' + str.tostring(v7) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s8 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a8) + ' ' + str.tostring(v8) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s9 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a9) + ' ' + str.tostring(v9) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s10 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a10) + ' ' + str.tostring(v10) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s11 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a11) + ' ' + str.tostring(v11) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s12 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a12) + ' ' + str.tostring(v12) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s13 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a13) + ' ' + str.tostring(v13) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s14 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a14) + ' ' + str.tostring(v14) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s15 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a15) + ' ' + str.tostring(v15) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s16 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a16) + ' ' + str.tostring(v16) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s17 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a17) + ' ' + str.tostring(v17) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s18 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a18) + ' ' + str.tostring(v18) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s19 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a19) + ' ' + str.tostring(v19) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s20 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a20) + ' ' + str.tostring(v20) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s21 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a21) + ' ' + str.tostring(v21) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s22 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a22) + ' ' + str.tostring(v22) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s23 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a23) + ' ' + str.tostring(v23) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s24 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a24) + ' ' + str.tostring(v24) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s25 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a25) + ' ' + str.tostring(v25) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s26 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a26) + ' ' + str.tostring(v26) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s27 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a27) + ' ' + str.tostring(v27) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s28 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a28) + ' ' + str.tostring(v28) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s29 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a29) + ' ' + str.tostring(v29) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s30 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a30) + ' ' + str.tostring(v30) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s31 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a31) + ' ' + str.tostring(v31) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s32 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a32) + ' ' + str.tostring(v32) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s33 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a33) + ' ' + str.tostring(v33) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s34 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a34) + ' ' + str.tostring(v34) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s35 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a35) + ' ' + str.tostring(v35) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s36 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a36) + ' ' + str.tostring(v36) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s37 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a37) + ' ' + str.tostring(v37) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s38 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a38) + ' ' + str.tostring(v38) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s39 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a39) + ' ' + str.tostring(v39) + '\n' : scr_label scr_label := s40 ? scr_label + syminfo.ticker(a40) + ' ' + str.tostring(v40) + '\n' : scr_label lab_1 = label.new(bar_index + loc, close, scr_label, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_center) label.delete(lab_1[1]) if str.length(scr_label) > 8 alert(scr_label,alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)