import random soru = input("Kaç Kere Oynamak İstiyorsunuz? Bir kere ise 1 Yaz, Sonsuz ise Bişey Yazma \n") if soru == "1" : choose = int(input("What do you choose ? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors\n")) rock = ''' _______ ---' ____) (_____) (_____) (____) ---.__(___) ''' paper = ''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) _______) _______) ---.__________) ''' scissors = ''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) __________) (____) ---.__(___) ''' if choose == 0: print(rock) elif choose == 1: print(paper) elif choose == 2: print(scissors) else: print("Geçersiz Seçenek") random_integer = random.randint(0, 2) print("Computer chose:\n") if random_integer == 0: print(''' _______ ---' ____) (_____) (_____) (____) ---.__(___) ''') elif random_integer == 1: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) _______) _______) ---.__________) ''') else: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) __________) (____) ---.__(___) ''') if random_integer == choose: print("It's Draw") elif random_integer == 0 and choose == 2: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 1 and choose == 0: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 2 and choose == 0: print("You Won") elif random_integer == 1 and choose == 2: print("You Won") elif random_integer == 2 and choose == 1: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 0 and choose == 1: print("You Won") else : while True : choose = int(input("What do you choose ? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors\n")) rock = ''' _______ ---' ____) (_____) (_____) (____) ---.__(___) ''' paper = ''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) _______) _______) ---.__________) ''' scissors = ''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) __________) (____) ---.__(___) ''' if choose == 0: print(rock) elif choose == 1: print(paper) elif choose == 2: print(scissors) else: print("Geçersiz Seçenek") random_integer = random.randint(0, 2) print("Computer chose:\n") if random_integer == 0: print(''' _______ ---' ____) (_____) (_____) (____) ---.__(___) ''') elif random_integer == 1: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) _______) _______) ---.__________) ''') else: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) __________) (____) ---.__(___) ''') if random_integer == choose: print("It's Draw") elif random_integer == 0 and choose == 2: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 1 and choose == 0: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 2 and choose == 0: print("You Won") elif random_integer == 1 and choose == 2: print("You Won") elif random_integer == 2 and choose == 1: print("Computer Won") elif random_integer == 0 and choose == 1: print("You Won")