i am running tech investments consultancy for oslo based companies since 2014. i have some experience. thats ok. before pandemic broke out i have worked with a company in oslo. i have increased their product range from 3 to 126, i have developed some protective coatings for products i have also produce 2000 of them so they can send it to their customers as a demo. they were very happy etc. they were asking for at least 10.000 pieces/month so i say no problem and went their office to sign a deal. while i walked in to office the ceo came and said they have already agreed with some other guy about production. i was confused. i asked if the new supplier know the material? no. production method? no. coatings? no. does new supplier provide at least couple of samples? no. ceo also said they want me to play some part in the company but i said no and walked out of the office. one week later they invited me to Bygdøy Allé 3 to talk. i went there. they said they are sorry about the situation they want me but they will also work with new guy. i said no again. we got drunk and i left the place around 3am. any way 4 months later they called me and said new guy screw everything and they cant even got one sample from the guy. they said they want me back sorry for everything etc etc. i said lets talk about it in some proper time and they said they will call. after 5 months later they called again and ask about my schedule i give them my availability they said again they call. anyway i am checking their instagram page time to time and all the post they have contains my products and because of they did not work with me more than a year they cant post a new post about a year. last week they post a product of their ancient products before they met with me and also in their e-commerce website they have a big banner of no-sales because of covid. ok here comes to question ; do they shy and embarrassed about the situation and do not want to contact with me because of i might say something offending about the their actions? or waiting for a pandemic to disappear for a year without selling anything is a good management strategy? the product is not covid related and all the similar products are being sold right now. should i make the first move? guys are ok but they made a mistake and i believe they are really embarrassed about the mistake so they are just keep delaying the future meeting with me. still having problems to understand Norwegian behaviors.