# TRANSLATIONS OF THE LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE FILES LANGUAGE: separer: ████████████████████████████████ command by player: '%tag% This command must be used by a player.' command by console: '%tag% This command must be used by a CONSOLE.' disabled world command: '%tag% Clan commands are turned off in this world.' disabled region command: '%tag% Clan commands are turned off in this region.' error start action: '%tag% There was an error running this.' error character: '%tag% This contains invalid characters.' error mod desc: '%tag% Error changing the Clan description.' has globalff: '%tag% Global friendly fire is now on!' no permission: '%tag% You do not have permission' chest extra buyed update: '%tag% %player% has purchased a new Chest for the Clan.' currency vault: Money currency playerpoints: Points currency clansouls: Souls export same storage: '%tag% You must choose a different storage than the current one to export.' export no data: '%tag% There is currently no data to export.' export mysql deconfigured: '%tag% An error occurred, mysql fields are misconfigured.' export mysql connection error: '%tag% There was an error connecting to MYSQL.' export sqlite connection error: '%tag% There was an error connecting to SQLITE.' export yaml connection error: '%tag% There was an error connecting to YAML.' tag in use: '%tag% This Tag is already in use.' clan not found: '%tag% Clan with this TAG does not exist.' clan ally header: List of Allies. (tag/kdr/members) clan list empty: ' No Clan in this list.' clan is your clan: '%tag% This is your Clan.' clan is rival: '%tag% This Clan is already an rival.' clan already ally: '%tag% This Clan is already an ally.' clan dont ally: '%tag% This Clan is not an ally.' clan player isnot your clan: '%tag% This player is not in your Clan.' clan player skin in update gui: Updating skin, wait... clan player skin in update: '%tag% Updating skin, please wait as this may take some time...' clan player skin finish update: '%tag% Your skin has been updated' clan player skin error update: '%tag% There was an error updating your skin' clan pvp disabled: '%tag% Clan PVP is now turned off.' clan allypvp disabled: '%tag% PVP between allies is off.' clan player blocked invite gui: Disabled clan invites. clan player blocked invite: '%tag% This player has disabled clan invites.' clan player accept success invite gui: Invitation accepted. clan player accept success invite: '%tag% You have successfully accepted the invitation.' clan player accept error invite gui: Error to accept. clan player accept error invite: '%tag% There was an error accepting the invitation.' clan player deny success invite gui: Invitation danied. clan player deny success invite: '%tag% You have successfully danied the invitation.' clan player deny error invite gui: Error to deny. clan player deny error invite: '%tag% There was an error denying the invitation.' clan player isalready banned: '%tag% This player is already banned from the Clan.' clan player isnot banned: '%tag% This player is not banned from the Clan.' clan player is banned: '%tag% This player is banned from the clan and cannot receive invites.' clan player is banned gui: Player is banned from the clan. clan player error unban: '%tag% There was an error unbanning this player' clan player error unban gui: Error unbanning player. clan player error ban: '%tag% There was an error banning this player' clan player error ban gui: Error to ban player. clan player success ban: '%tag% The Player has been successfully banned from the Clan.' clan player success ban gui: Player has successfully banned. clan player success unban: '%tag% The Player has been successfully unbanned from the Clan.' clan player success unban gui: Player has successfully unbanned. clan player are banned: '%tag% You are banned from this Clan and cannot join the members.' clan player error change nickname: '%tag% Error changing nickname.' clan player error change nickname gui: Error changing nickname. clan player changed nickname: '%tag% Nickname successfully changed!' clan player changed nickname gui: Nickname successfully changed! clan player nickname default: '%tag% Your nickname is already the default.' clan player nickname default gui: Nickname is already default. clan reward level: '%tag% You earned rewards for your clan reaching level %num%' clan max members: This Clan already has the maximum number of players. clan max members level: '%tag% This clan already has the maximum number of players for the current level.' clan player kicked out: '%tag% You have been kicked out of the clan %clan% by %clan_leader%' clan player kicked outby: '%tag% %player% has been kicked out of the clan by %clan_leader%' clan tag equals: '%tag% Unchanged TAG, appears to be the same.' clan name equals: '%tag% Unchanged NAME, appears to be the same.' clan already rival: '%tag% This Clan is already a rival.' clan is ally: '%tag% This Clan is already an ally.' clan rival error remove: '%tag% Error removing rival.' clan dont rival: '%tag% This Clan is not a rival.' clan new ally: '%tag% ! A new alliance was formed with the clan %clan_tag%' clan removed ally: '%tag% ! The alliance with the clan %clan_tag% has removed.' clan one removed ally: '%tag% ! An alliance has been removed.' clan one removed rival: '%tag% ! An rivalrie has been removed.' clan created: '%tag% ! A new Clan %clan_tag% was created by %player%.' clan deleted: '%tag% ! The Clan %clan_tag% was deleted by %player%.' clan deleted small: Deleted clan ff changed: '%tag% ! The friendly fire is %value%.' clan globalff changed: '%tag% ! Global friendly fire is %value%.' clan new join: '%tag% ! The player %player% entered the Clan.' clan new kick: '%tag% ! The player %player% was expelled from the Clan.' clan new leave: '%tag% ! The player %player% left the %clan_tag% Clan.' clan new rival: '%tag% ! New rivalry with the Clan %clan_tag%' clan new rival removed: '%tag% ! The rivalry with clan %clan_tag% has been dissolved.' clan new leader: '%tag% ! New leader of clan %clan_tag% is %player%' clan rival removed: '%tag% ! The rivalry with the Clan %clan_tag% was undone.' clan verify changed: '%tag% ! The clan was changed to %value%.' clan new promote: '%tag% ! The player %player% got promoted to %role_formated%.' clan new demote: '%tag% ! The player %player% was demoted.' clan tag blacklist: '%tag% This Tag cannot be used in Clans.' clan changed settings: '%tag% Clan settings have been changed.' clan changed settings gui: Settings have been changed. clan sync settings gui: Synchronizing permissions... clan settings warinvite: War Invite clan settings allysharedchat: Ally shared chat clan settings joinleave: Join and Leave clan settings allysharedhome: Ally shared homes clan settings clanff: Clan FF clan settings opened: Clan open to all clan settings publichomes: Homes as public clan delete error gui: Error deleting! clan no actions: '%tag% There are no outstanding actions to cancel.' clan actions expired: '%tag% The time for action is over.' clan point reason level change: Clan level change clan point reason no reason: No reason banner delete error gui: Error deleting! banner delete success gui: Successfully deleted! banner delete error: '%tag% An error occurred when deleting.' banner delete success: '%tag% Banner successfully deleted!' banner empty: '%tag% Your Clan has no Banner!' banner empty gui: Your Clan has no Banner! banner empty item: The item must be a banner! banner not acceptable: '%tag% This item is not acceptable as a Clan banner.' banner not acceptable gui: Item is not acceptable. banner not banner: '%tag% The item you are holding must be a banner' banner hand empty: '%tag% You need to be holding an item.' banner upload error gui: Error saving banner. banner upload success gui: New banner saved! banner upload success: '%tag% The new clan banner has been saved!' help uclan header: Admin Clan Help: (%page%/%pages%) help clan header: 'Help with Clan: (%page%/%pages%) [!] subcmd | <> obligatory | () optional ' help clan header subcommand: 'Help with subcommands: [!] subcmd | <> obligatory | () optional ' help list empty: ' - There is nothing on this list.' help clan home list header: '%uclans_tag_color% home list:' help clan home list format: 'Click to teleport.''> - {num} | Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name% | Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server% | Location: %uclans_home:{name}:location%' help clan home list format visit: ' - {num} | Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name% | Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' help clan home view header: 'Home Info:' help clan home view format: - '| Info:' - ' Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name%' - ' Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' - ' Location: %uclans_home:{name}:location%' - '' - Click to teleport.'>[Teleport] help clan member list header: '%uclans_tag_color% member list:' help clan member list format: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_player_role_formated% %uclans_player_nickname% | Joined: %uclans_player_joindate_formated% | KDR: %uclans_player_kdr%' help clan permissions view header: '%uclans_tag_color% permission list:' help clan permissions view format: ' - %role% | Key: %key% | Value: %value%' help clan ally list header: '%uclans_tag_color% list of alliances:' help clan ally list format: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Patent: %uclans_patent_formated% | Level: %uclans_level% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Creation: %uclans_creation_date_formated%' help clan rival list header: '%uclans_tag_color% list of rivals:' help clan rival list format: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Patent: %uclans_patent_formated% | Level: %uclans_level% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Creation: %uclans_creation_date_formated%' help clan member_search list header: '%uclans_tag_color% search member List:' help clan member_search list format: 'Click to invite.''> - %uclans_player_role_formated% %uclans_player_nickname% | Last see: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated% | KDR: %uclans_player_kdr% [Invite]' help clan banned list header: '%uclans_tag_color% banned member List:' help clan banned list format: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_player_nickname% | KDR: %uclans_player_kdr%' help clan banner list header: '%uclans_tag_color% banner:' help clan banner list format: - '| Info:' - ' Has Banner: %uclans_hasbanner_formated%' - ' Banner: %uclans_banner_material%' help clan list view header: ' List of top clans: Order: %current%' help clan list view format all: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Creation: %uclans_creation_date_formated% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format kill: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Kills: %uclans_clan_kills% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format death: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Deaths: %uclans_clan_deaths% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format kdr: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Kdr: %uclans_clan_kdr% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format member: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Members: %uclans_count_members% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format bank: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Bank: %uclans_bank_balance_formated% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format level: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Level: %uclans_level% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format war: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | War: %uclans_clan_war_win% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format point: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Points: %uclans_points% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan list view format patent: 'Click to view.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Patent: %uclans_patent_formated% | Leader: %uclans_leader% | Members: %uclans_count_members% [CLICK]' help clan invites list header: '%uclans_player_realname% invitations List:' help clan invites list format: 'Click to view clan info.''> - %uclans_tag_color% | Patent: %uclans_patent_formated% | Members: %uclans_count_members% | Level: %uclans_level% Click to accept.''>[ACCEPT] Click to deny.''>[DENY]' help clan profile view header: '%uclans_player_nickname% profile Info:' help clan profile view format: - '| Player:' - ' Player: %uclans_player_nickname%' - '| Information:' - ' Name: %uclans_player_realname%' - ' Last see: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated%' - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kdr%' - ' Role: %uclans_player_role_formated%' - '| Settings:' - ' Clan Invitations: %uclans_player_settings_state:INVITATIONS%' - '' help clan settings view header: '%uclans_tag_color% clan settings:' help clan settings view format: - '| Information:' - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' - '| Settings:' - ' War invites: %uclans_settings_state:WARINVITE%' - ' Ally shared chat: %uclans_settings_state:ALLYSHAREDCHAT%' - ' Ally shared homes: %uclans_settings_state:ALLYSHAREDHOME%' - ' Join and Leave: %uclans_settings_state:JOINLEAVE%' - ' Clan Friendly fire: %uclans_settings_state:CLANFF%' - ' Members manager homes: %uclans_settings_state:MEMBERMANAGERHOMES%' - ' Members manager wars: %uclans_settings_state:MEMBERMANAGERWARS%' - ' Open to all: %uclans_settings_state:OPENED%' - ' Public Homes: %uclans_settings_state:PUBLICHOMES%' - '' help clan info view header: '%uclans_tag_color% clan information:' help clan info view format: - '| Information:' - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Creation date: %uclans_creation_date_formated%' - ' Is Verified: %uclans_verified%' - ' Slots: %uclans_slots% (+%uclans_slots_extra%)' - ' Open to all: %uclans_isopen_formated%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members% (%uclans_count_onlinemembers% online)' - '| Kdr:' - ' Kills: %uclans_clan_kills%' - ' Deaths: %uclans_clan_deaths%' - ' Kdr total: %uclans_clan_kdr%' - '| Status:' - ' Bank: %uclans_bank_balance_formated%' - ' Souls: %uclans_clan_souls%' - ' Level: %uclans_level% (%uclans_max_level_reached% max.)' - ' Points: %uclans_points%' - '' help info empty: Nothing here help admin pagination prev: Click to go back.'><< Previous help admin pagination next: Click to advance.'>Next >> help admin pagination separer: | help player pagination prev: Click to go back.'><< Previous help player pagination next: Click to advance.'>Next >> help player pagination separer: | translaction players: players translaction is on: Online translaction is off: Offline translaction yes: YES translaction no: NO translaction no clan: No CLan translaction kill: Kill translaction death: Death translaction kdr: KDR translaction member: Member translaction bank: Bank translaction level: Level translaction war: War translaction all: All translaction point: Point translaction patent: Patent clan dont leader: '%tag% You are not the leader of the Clan.' clan dont permission role: '%tag% Your current role you cannot do this.' player no invitation: '%tag% You have no invites for this clan.' clan dont mod and leader: '%tag% You are not the leader or Mod of the Clan.' clan dont mod and leader gui: Requires Leader or Mod! player dont mod: '%tag% This player is not a moderator.' player is mod: '%tag% This player is already a moderator.' player offline: '%tag% The player is offline or does not exist!' player cannot expel leader: '%tag% You cannot expel the Clan Leader.' player cannot expel mod: '%tag% A moderator cannot expel another from the same position.' player is clan leader: '%tag% You are the Clan Leader, to leave use /{_clan} {_disband} and you will delete the Clan ...' you donthave clan: '%tag% You dont have a Clan.' player donthave clan: '%tag% This player does not have a clan.' player donthave profile: '%tag% This player does not have a profile.' player already participating: '%tag% You are already participating in this clan!.' player new invite: '%tag% You have received a new invitation to join a clan. you can accept using /{_clan} {_join} or see the list in /{_clan} {_profile} {_invites}' player have clan: '%tag% You already have a clan.' player has clan: '%tag% This player already has a clan.' player is you: '%tag% This player is you.' player dont have money: '%tag% You need to %uclans_money_currency%%amount% for this.' player dont have money gui: You need to %uclans_money_currency%%amount% player debited money: '%tag% It was debited %amount% your account.' player deposited money: '%tag% %uclans_money_currency%%amount% has been deposited in your account.' player invitation player expired: '%tag% Your player invite has expired and there has been no response.' player invitation expired: '%tag% Your invitation to join the Clan %clan_tag% has expired.' player invitation daniel: '%tag% The player denied the invitation.' player already invited gui: Invitation for player in progress! player invitation error: '%tag% There was an error sending the invite.' player invitation error gui: Error to sending the invite. player invitation success: '%tag% The invitation was sent successfully.' player invitation success gui: Invitation sent successfully! gui error: '%tag% This menu contains an error and cannot be opened' player teleport dont move: '%tag% Preparing teleport, do not move by %sec% sec.' player teleport moved: '%tag% You moved and the teleport was canceled!!!' player teleport true: '%tag% You were teleported!' player teleport false: '%tag% You have not been teleported for any mistake!' unknown error: '%tag% An unknown error occurred with this, please try again!' nothing here: Nothing here. clan empty name: clan empty desc: disabled function: '%tag% This function/addon appears to be off.' disabled function gui: This function is turned off. admin opened clanchest: '%tag% An admin opened the clan chest.' top kdr format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Kdr: %uclans_clan_kdr%' top kill format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Kills: %uclans_clan_kills%' top death format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Deaths: %uclans_clan_deaths%' top member format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Members: %uclans_count_members%' top bank format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Bank: %uclans_bank_balance%' top level format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | LV: %uclans_level%' top war format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | %uclans_clan_war_win%/%uclans_clan_war_lose%' top point format: '%num%: | %uclans_tag_color% | Point: %uclans_points%' clan new balance: '%tag% The banks new balance sheet is %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%, changed by %uclans_player%' player reseted kdr: '%tag% The player %player% had the KDR reset!' clan reseted kdr: '%tag% The clan %uclans_tag_color% had the KDR reset!' value greater than zero: '%tag% Value must be greater than zero' clan patent change: '%tag% The %uclans_tag_color% clan changed patent to %uclans_patent_formated%' clan not have levels: '%tag% Clan does not have levels to remove' clan has only levels: '%tag% The clan has only %num% levels' command in cooldown: '%tag% Wait for %sec% to use this command again.' error length: '%tag% The value must have a size between %min% and %max%' state true: ENABLED state false: DISABLED accept type: '%tag% The type is invalid, use: %types%' clan regroup invite expired: '%tag% The invitation to regroup has expired!' clan regroup invite doesnot exists: '%tag% There is no regroup request sent.' clan regroup invite already exists: '%tag% There is already a regroup request sent.' clan regroup invite deny: '%tag% The player %player% denied your request!' clan regroup invite accept: '%tag% The player %player% accepted your request!' clan regroup invite already denied: '%tag% You already denied the request.' clan regroup invite already accepted: '%tag% You already accepted the request.' clan has no members: '%tag% Your clan has no members.' clan rival remove already invited: '%tag% There is already a peace request from your clan or another one in progress to this clan, wait and try again!' clan rival remove error: '%tag% There was an error sending the request!' clan rival remove moderation offline: '%tag% There are no moderators or online leaders in the other clan.' clan rival remove sended: '%tag% Peace request sent, wait for the clan to accept or deny.' clan rival remove not found: '%tag% There are no peace requests.' clan rival remove deny: '%tag% You denied the request to remove the rivalry.' clan rival remove deny received: '%tag% The other clan denied the request for peace.' clan rival remove expired: '%tag% The invitation to peace has expired!' clan ally invite not found: '%tag% There are no invitations for allies.' clan ally invite deny: '%tag% You have denied the invitation to the alliance.' clan ally invite already invited: '%tag% There is already an invitation from your clan or another one in progress to this clan, wait and try again!' clan ally invite error: '%tag% There was an error sending the request!' clan ally invite moderation offline: '%tag% There are no moderators or online leaders in the other clan.' clan ally invite sended: '%tag% Invitation sent, wait for the clan to accept or deny.' clan ally invite expired: '%tag% The invitation to alliance has expired!' clan ally invite deny received: '%tag% The other clan denied the request for an alliance.' clan not have points: '%tag% Clan does not have points to remove' clan has only points: '%tag% The clan has only %num% points' clan ally in limit: '%tag% Your clan has reached the allies limit and needs to gain levels to unlock more allies, Your clans current limit is %uclans_limit_ally%' clan rival in limit: '%tag% Your clan has reached the rivalries limit and needs to gain levels to unlock more rivalries, Your clans current limit is %uclans_limit_rival%' clan create error: '%tag% There was an error creating.' clan create success: '%tag% New Clan created successfully!' command deprecated: '%tag% This command has been deprecated and can be removed from the settings' chan does not exists: '%tag% This clan does not exist' need level min: '%tag% Your Clan must have at least %level% for this!' player_leave: '%tag% Member %player% has logged out.' player_join: '%tag% Member %player% has just joined.' home name without space: '%tag% Name cannot contain spaces.' home already exists: '%tag% There is already a man with this name.' home create success gui: New home created! home no exists gui: This home has an error. home delete error gui: There was an error deleting. home delete success: '%tag% Home successfully deleted!' home delete success gui: Successfully deleted! new create home: '%tag% A new clan home has been created on the server %server% with the name %name%' home removed: '%tag% The home %name% of the server %server% of the clan has been deleted' home limit: This is the limit (%limit%) for your Clan! home limit reached: '%tag% The limit for your clan is %homes% homes.' new point received: '%tag% Your clan received %points% points, and now has %totalpoints% points (%reason%)' new point removed: '%tag% Your clan lost %points% points, and now has %totalpoints% points (%reason%)' new point set: '%tag% Your clan points have been changed to %totalpoints% points (%reason%)' # TRANSLATIONS OF GUI MENU FILES GUI: General disband_confirm title: Confirm deleting the Clan? General disband_confirm items fill name: ' ' General disband_confirm items fill lore: [ ] General disband_confirm items confirm name: Confirm General disband_confirm items confirm lore: - '' - ' Click to confirm.' General disband_confirm items cancel name: Cancel General disband_confirm items cancel lore: - '' - ' Click to cancel.' General changeleader_confirm title: Cconfirm changing the Clan Leader? General changeleader_confirm items fill name: ' ' General changeleader_confirm items fill lore: [ ] General changeleader_confirm items confirm name: Confirm General changeleader_confirm items confirm lore: - '' - ' Click to confirm.' General changeleader_confirm items cancel name: Cancel General changeleader_confirm items cancel lore: - '' - ' Click to cancel.' General clan_homes title: Clan Home General clan_homes items fill name: ' ' General clan_homes items fill lore: [ ] General clan_homes items ally_homes name: View Ally homes General clan_homes items ally_homes lore: - '' - ' Click to open.' General clan_homes items create name: Create a new Home General clan_homes items create lore: - '' - ' Click to create.' General clan_homes items back name: Come back General clan_homes items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General clan_homes items next name: Next page General clan_homes items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General clan_homes items previous name: Previous page General clan_homes items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General clan_homes items current name: Home %uclans_home:{name}:name% General clan_homes items current lore: - '' - ' Home Information' - ' ' - ' Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' - ' Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name%' - ' Location: %uclans_home:{name}:location%' - '' - ' Left-Click to teleport ' - ' Right-Click to delete.' General clan_homes items current visit name: Home %uclans_home:{name}:name% General clan_homes items current visit lore: - '' - ' Home Information' - ' ' - ' Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' - ' Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name%' General clan_delhome_confirm title: Confirm delhome %home_name% ? General clan_delhome_confirm items fill name: ' ' General clan_delhome_confirm items fill lore: [ ] General clan_delhome_confirm items confirm name: Click to confirm General clan_delhome_confirm items confirm lore: - ' ' - ' Click to go confirm.' General clan_delhome_confirm items cancel name: Click to cancel General clan_delhome_confirm items cancel lore: - ' ' - ' Click to go cancel.' General noclan_home title: Clan | Without Clan General noclan_home items fill name: ' ' General noclan_home items fill lore: [ ] General noclan_home items fill2 name: ' ' General noclan_home items fill2 lore: [ ] General noclan_home items commands name: Command List and Help General noclan_home items commands lore: - ' Click to see the complete list' - of commands for Clans and Land. General noclan_home items clans name: All Clans General noclan_home items clans lore: - ' Click to open the clan list menu.' General noclan_home items create name: You dont have a Clan General noclan_home items create lore: - ' Click to create a Clan.' General noclan_home items profile name: Your profile General noclan_home items profile lore: - ' Click to open your profile' General clan_home title: Clan Menu General clan_home items fill name: ' ' General clan_home items fill lore: [ ] General clan_home items fill2 name: ' ' General clan_home items fill2 lore: [ ] General clan_home items info name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_home items info lore: - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' - '' - ' Clan Level: %uclans_level%' - ' Clan Points: %uclans_points% (%uclans_points_to_nextlevel% for next LevelUp)' - ' Bank: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Desc: %uclans_desc_color%' - ' ' - ' Click to open a status list.' General clan_home items banner name: Clan Banner General clan_home items banner lore: - ' ' - ' Banner Information:' - '' - ' Has Banner: %uclans_hasbanner_formated%' - ' Banner: %uclans_banner_material%' - ' ' - ' The clan banner is your brand!' General clan_home items clans name: All Clans General clan_home items clans lore: - ' Click to open the clan list menu.' General clan_home items commands name: Command List and Help General clan_home items commands lore: - ' Click to see the complete list' - of commands for Clans and Land. General clan_home items settings name: Clan Settings General clan_home items settings lore: - ' Click to open.' General clan_home items home name: Open home menu. General clan_home items home lore: - ' Click to open.' General clan_home items ally name: Alliances General clan_home items ally lore: - ' ' - ' Allies: %uclans_clan_count_ally%' - ' ' - ' Click to open the alliances menu.' General clan_home items rival name: Rivalries General clan_home items rival lore: - ' ' - ' Rivals: %uclans_clan_count_rival%' - ' ' - ' Click to open the rivalries menu.' General clan_home items members name: Clan Members General clan_home items members lore: - ' ' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - ' ' - ' Click to open the members menu.' General player_profile title: Profile | %uclans_player% General player_profile items head name: %uclans_player% General player_profile items head lore: - '' - ' Clan: %uclans_hasclan_formated%' - ' Role: %uclans_player_role_formated%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader_formated%' - ' ' - ' Nickname: %uclans_player%' - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' - ' Entry into: %uclans_player_joindate_formated%' - ' Last Seen: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated%' General player_profile items invites name: Invitations. General player_profile items invites lore: - '' - ' Manage Incoming Invitations.' - ' Click to open.' General player_profile items settings name: Profile settings. General player_profile items settings lore: - '' - ' Edit your profile preferences.' - ' ' - ' Click to open.' General player_profile items back name: Back home General player_profile items back lore: - ' Click to return to home' General player_profile items fill name: ' ' General player_profile items fill lore: [ ] General player_settings title: Profile Settings Menu General player_settings items fill name: ' ' General player_settings items fill lore: [ ] General player_settings items fill2 name: ' ' General player_settings items fill2 lore: [ ] General player_settings items nickname name: Change visible nickname. General player_settings items nickname lore: - '' - ' Name: %uclans_player_realname%' - ' Current: %uclans_player_nickname%' - '' - ' LEFT-CLICK to change.' - ' RIGHT-CLICK to reset.' General player_settings items skin name: Update Skin. General player_settings items skin lore: - '' - ' Click to update current skin.' General player_settings items skin_cooldown name: Skin Updated! General player_settings items skin_cooldown lore: - '' - ' Wait for %time% to update again.' General player_settings items invite name: Clan Invitations. General player_settings items invite lore: - '' - ' State: %uclans_player_settings_state:INVITATIONS%' - '' - ' Click to toggle.' - '' - ' If this option is disabled you' - will not receive clan invites. General player_settings items back name: Back home General player_settings items back lore: - ' Click to return to profile' General clan_stats title: Stats | %uclans_tag_color% General clan_stats items fill name: ' ' General clan_stats items fill lore: [ ] General clan_stats items back name: Come back General clan_stats items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_stats items limits name: 'Clan Limits:' General clan_stats items limits lore: - ' ' - 'About Limits:' - ' ' - ' Homes: %uclans_limit_home%' - ' Allies: %uclans_limit_ally%' - ' Rivals: %uclans_limit_rival%' - ' Slots: %uclans_slots_total%' - ' ' - ' The limits are increased as' - the clan gains levels. General clan_stats items member_rival_ally name: 'Members, Rivals and Allies:' General clan_stats items member_rival_ally lore: - ' ' - 'About Members, rivals and allies:' - ' ' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - ' Online Members: %uclans_count_onlinemembers%' - ' Allies: %uclans_clan_count_ally%' - ' Rivals: %uclans_clan_count_rival%' General clan_stats items others name: 'Others stats:' General clan_stats items others lore: - ' ' - 'Others:' - ' ' - ' Members Joined: %uclans_clan_member_joined%' - ' Members Left: %uclans_clan_member_leave%' - ' Members Kicked: %uclans_clan_member_kicked%' - ' Tag changes: %uclans_clan_tag_changed%' General clan_stats items status name: 'Status:' General clan_stats items status lore: - ' ' - 'About the Status:' - ' ' - ' Bank: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' - ' Souls: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_clan_souls%' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' Max Level reached: %uclans_max_level_reached%' - ' Clan Points: %uclans_points%' - ' Quests Finished: %uclans_quest_finished%' General clan_stats items war name: 'War stats:' General clan_stats items war lore: - ' ' - 'About wars:' - ' ' - ' War Win: %uclans_clan_war_win%' - ' War Lose: %uclans_clan_war_lose%' - ' War total: %uclans_clan_war_total%' General clan_stats items kdr name: 'KDR:' General clan_stats items kdr lore: - ' ' - 'About the kdr:' - ' ' - ' Kills: %uclans_clan_kills%' - ' Deaths: %uclans_clan_deaths%' - ' Kdr Total: %uclans_clan_kdr%' General clan_stats items banner name: Clan Banner General clan_stats items banner lore: - ' ' - ' Banner Information:' - '' - ' Has Banner: %uclans_hasbanner_formated%' General clan_stats items foundation name: 'Foundation:' General clan_stats items foundation lore: - ' ' - 'About the foundation:' - ' ' - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Creation date: %uclans_creation_date_formated%' - ' Is Verified: %uclans_verified%' - ' Slots: %uclans_slots% (+%uclans_slots_extra%)' - ' Open to all: %uclans_isopen_formated%' - ' ' - ' Moderators (%uclans_count_moderators%):' - ' %uclans_moderators%' General clan_stats items members name: List Members General clan_stats items members lore: - ' ' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Click to open.' General clan_stats items homes name: List Homes General clan_stats items homes lore: - ' ' - ' Homes: %uclans_home%' - '' - ' Click to open.' General clan_settings title: Settings Menu General clan_settings items fill name: ' ' General clan_settings items fill lore: [ ] General clan_settings items fill2 name: ' ' General clan_settings items fill2 lore: [ ] General clan_settings items clan_roles name: Clan roles General clan_settings items clan_roles lore: - '' - ' Manage clan roles.' - ' Click to open.' General clan_settings items member_ban name: Banned players. General clan_settings items member_ban lore: - '' - ' Banned: %uclans_count_banned%' - '' - ' Banned players cannot join the clan if' - it is opened nor can they be invited again. - '' - ' Click to open.' General clan_settings items clan_edit name: Edit clan. General clan_settings items clan_edit lore: - '' - ' Edit clan settings.' - ' Click to open.' General clan_settings items back name: Come back General clan_settings items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_roles title: Clan Roles General clan_roles items fill name: ' ' General clan_roles items fill lore: [ ] General clan_roles items fill2 name: ' ' General clan_roles items fill2 lore: [ ] General clan_roles items back name: Come back General clan_roles items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_roles items update name: Sync permissions General clan_roles items update lore: - ' Click to sync with default' - permissions. General clan_roles items blocked name: %name% General clan_roles items blocked lore: - ' ' - ' You cannot edit this role' General clan_roles_editor title: Perm. Editor | %name% General clan_roles_editor items fill name: ' ' General clan_roles_editor items fill lore: [ ] General clan_roles_editor items next name: Next General clan_roles_editor items next lore: - ' Click to next' General clan_roles_editor items previous name: Previous General clan_roles_editor items previous lore: - ' Click to previous' General clan_roles_editor items back name: Come back General clan_roles_editor items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_roles_editor items current name: %key% General clan_roles_editor items current lore: - ' ' - ' State: %value%' - '' - ' Click to toggle' General banned_members title: Banned Players | %amount% General banned_members items fill name: ' ' General banned_members items fill lore: [ ] General banned_members items next name: Next General banned_members items next lore: - ' Click to next' General banned_members items previous name: Previous General banned_members items previous lore: - ' Click to previous' General banned_members items current name: %uclans_player% General banned_members items current lore: - ' Click to UNBAN this player.' General banned_members items add name: Ban a player General banned_members items add lore: - ' Click to ban.' General banned_members items back name: Come back General banned_members items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_actions title: Edit Clan General clan_actions items fill name: ' ' General clan_actions items fill lore: [ ] General clan_actions items fill2 name: ' ' General clan_actions items fill2 lore: [ ] General clan_actions items desc name: Changing the Clan Description General clan_actions items desc lore: - ' Click to change the Clan description.' General clan_actions items modtag name: Change the clan Tag General clan_actions items modtag lore: - ' Click to change the Clan tag' General clan_actions items join_leave name: Join and Leave General clan_actions items join_leave lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:JOINLEAVE%' - '' - ' Click to toggle ' - ' ' - ' When disabled, your clan does not' - will see more messages when - entering or leaving. General clan_actions items opened name: Clan open to all General clan_actions items opened lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:OPENED%' - '' - ' Click to toggle on and off if' - clan is open to all or invite-only. General clan_actions items publichomes name: Homes are public General clan_actions items publichomes lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:PUBLICHOMES%' - '' - ' Click to toggle on and off to' - making the homes public and - visible to other clans. General clan_actions items ff name: Fire friend General clan_actions items ff lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:CLANFF%' - '' - ' Click to toggle ' - ' ' - ' When activated, members can' - attack each other. General clan_actions items allysharedhome name: Allied shared Home General clan_actions items allysharedhome lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:ALLYSHAREDHOME%' - '' - ' Click to toggle ' - ' ' - ' When disabled, your clan''s homes will' - not appear in the allied home list. General clan_actions items allysharedchat name: Allied shared chat General clan_actions items allysharedchat lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:ALLYSHAREDCHAT%' - '' - ' Click to toggle ' - ' ' - ' When disabled, your clan does not' - receive or send messages from allies. General clan_actions items warinvite name: War Invitations General clan_actions items warinvite lore: - ' ' - ' State: %uclans_actions_state:WARINVITE%' - '' - ' Click to toggle ' - ' ' - ' When disabled, your clan' - does not receive challenges General clan_actions items delete name: Delete the clan General clan_actions items delete lore: - ' Click to delete the clan' - ' Only the Leader can do this!' - ' This will remove the protection from your land' - ' This requires confirmation in CHAT!' - ' ' - ' Caution, this action cannot be undone!' General clan_actions items back name: Come back General clan_actions items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_top title: List of Clans | %current% General clan_top items fill name: ' ' General clan_top items fill lore: [ ] General clan_top items fill2 name: ' ' General clan_top items fill2 lore: [ ] General clan_top items fill3 name: ' ' General clan_top items fill3 lore: [ ] General clan_top items active name: ' Current' General clan_top items active lore: [ ] General clan_top items all name: All Clans General clan_top items all lore: - ' Click to view' - ' ' General clan_top items kdr name: Top KDR General clan_top items kdr lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by KDR ' - ' ' General clan_top items kill name: Top KILL General clan_top items kill lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by KILL ' - ' ' General clan_top items death name: Top DEATH General clan_top items death lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by DEATH ' - ' ' General clan_top items bank name: Top BANK General clan_top items bank lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by BANK ' - ' ' General clan_top items member name: Top MEMBER General clan_top items member lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by MEMBER ' - ' ' General clan_top items level name: Top Level General clan_top items level lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by level ' - ' ' General clan_top items war name: Top War General clan_top items war lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by Top War ' - ' ' General clan_top items point name: All Point General clan_top items point lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by Top Points ' - ' ' General clan_top items patent name: Patent General clan_top items patent lore: - ' Click to order' - 'list by Top Patent ' - ' ' General clan_top items current_war name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_war lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Wars won: %uclans_clan_war_win%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_bank name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_bank lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Bank: %uclans_money_currency%%uclans_bank_balance%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_member name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_member lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_death name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_death lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Deaths: %uclans_clan_deaths%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_kill name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_kill lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Kills: %uclans_clan_kills%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_kdr name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_kdr lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' KDR: %uclans_clan_kdr%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_level name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_level lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_point name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_point lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Points: %uclans_points%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_all name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_all lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Creation date: %uclans_creation_date_formated%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current_patent name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current_patent lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items current name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General clan_top items current lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General clan_top items next name: Next General clan_top items next lore: - ' Click to next' General clan_top items previous name: Previous General clan_top items previous lore: - ' Click to previous' General clan_top items back name: Come back General clan_top items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_members_invite title: Invite Members General clan_members_invite items fill name: ' ' General clan_members_invite items fill lore: [ ] General clan_members_invite items back name: Come back General clan_members_invite items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_members_invite items current name: %uclans_player% General clan_members_invite items current lore: - '' - ' Nickname: %uclans_player%' - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' - ' Entry into: %uclans_player_joindate_formated%' - ' Last Seen: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated%' - ' ' - ' Click to invite.' General clan_members_invite items search name: Search General clan_members_invite items search lore: - ' Click to search members.' General clan_search_members_invite title: Search | %amount% result(s) General clan_search_members_invite items fill name: ' ' General clan_search_members_invite items fill lore: [ ] General clan_search_members_invite items back name: Come back General clan_search_members_invite items back lore: - ' Click to go back' General clan_search_members_invite items current name: %uclans_player% General clan_search_members_invite items current lore: - '' - ' Nickname: %uclans_player%' - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' - ' Entry into: %uclans_player_joindate_formated%' - ' Last Seen: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated%' - ' ' - ' Click to invite.' General rival title: List of rivals | %uclans_tag_color% General rival items fill name: ' ' General rival items fill lore: [ ] General rival items back name: Come back General rival items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General rival items next name: Next page General rival items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General rival items previous name: Previous page General rival items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General rival items current name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General rival items current lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General ally title: List of alliances | %uclans_tag_color% General ally items fill name: ' ' General ally items fill lore: [ ] General ally items back name: Come back General ally items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General ally items next name: Next page General ally items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General ally items previous name: Previous page General ally items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General ally items current name: Clan %uclans_tag_color% General ally items current lore: - '' - ' Clan Information' - ' ' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' ' - ' Tag: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Leader: %uclans_leader%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Right-Click to view info.' General members title: Member List | %uclans_tag_color% General members items fill name: ' ' General members items fill lore: [ ] General members items back name: Come back General members items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General members items next name: Next page General members items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General members items previous name: Previous page General members items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General members items invite name: Invite players General members items invite lore: - ' Click to invite new members' General members items current name: %uclans_player% General members items current lore: - '' - ' Role: %uclans_player_role_formated%' - ' Nickname: %uclans_player%' - ' Kdr: %uclans_player_kills%/%uclans_player_deaths% (%uclans_player_kdr%)' - ' Entry into: %uclans_player_joindate_formated%' - ' Last Seen: %uclans_player_lastsee_formated%' - ' ' - ' Click to view profile.' General listhomes title: Home List | %uclans_tag_color% General listhomes items fill name: ' ' General listhomes items fill lore: [ ] General listhomes items back name: Come back General listhomes items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General listhomes items next name: Next page General listhomes items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General listhomes items previous name: Previous page General listhomes items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General listhomes items current name: Home %uclans_home:{name}:name% General listhomes items current lore: - '' - ' Home Information' - ' ' - ' Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' - ' Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name%' - ' Location: %uclans_home::location%' General clan_allyhome title: Allied Homes General clan_allyhome items back name: Come back General clan_allyhome items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General clan_allyhome items next name: Next page General clan_allyhome items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General clan_allyhome items previous name: Previous page General clan_allyhome items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General clan_allyhome items current name: Home %uclans_home:{name}:name% of clan %uclans_tag_color%. General clan_allyhome items current lore: - '' - ' Home Information' - ' ' - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Server: %uclans_home:{name}:server%' - ' Name: %uclans_home:{name}:name%' - '' - ' Left-Click to teleport.' General clan_allyhome items fill name: ' ' General clan_allyhome items fill lore: [ ] General invites title: Invitation list | %uclans_player_name% General invites items fill name: ' ' General invites items fill lore: [ ] General invites items back name: Come back General invites items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General invites items next name: Next page General invites items next lore: - '' - ' Click to proceed.' General invites items previous name: Previous page General invites items previous lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General invites items current name: Invitation to %uclans_tag_color% General invites items current lore: - '' - ' Invitation information' - ' ' - ' Clan: %uclans_tag_color%' - ' Patent: %uclans_patent_formated%' - ' Level: %uclans_level%' - ' Members: %uclans_count_members%' - '' - ' Left-Click to accept.' - ' Right-Click to deny.' General banner_home title: Banner menu General banner_home items fill name: ' ' General banner_home items fill lore: [ ] General banner_home items fill2 name: ' ' General banner_home items fill2 lore: [ ] General banner_home items current name: Current Banner General banner_home items current lore: - ' ' - ' The clan banner is your brand.' - '' - ' << Use the buttons on the sides >>' General banner_home items upload name: Upload General banner_home items upload lore: - '' - ' Click to open upload menu.' General banner_home items delete name: Delete a Banner General banner_home items delete lore: - '' - ' Click to delete the current banner.' General banner_home items pre name: Pre created banners. General banner_home items pre lore: - '' - ' Click to open list.' General banner_home items back name: Come back General banner_home items back lore: - '' - ' Click to Come back.' General banner_delete title: Confirm delete current banner? General banner_delete items fill name: ' ' General banner_delete items fill lore: [ ] General banner_delete items confirm name: Confirm General banner_delete items confirm lore: - '' - ' Click to confirm.' General banner_delete items cancel name: Cancel General banner_delete items cancel lore: - '' - ' Click to cancel.' General banner_upload title: Banner Upload General banner_upload items fill name: ' ' General banner_upload items fill lore: [ ] General banner_upload items fill2 name: Place your new banner here! General banner_upload items fill2 lore: - ' ' - ' Place your new banner here!' General banner_upload items upload_slot name: '' General banner_upload items upload_slot lore: [ ] General banner_upload items back name: Come back General banner_upload items back lore: - '' - ' Click to go back.' General banner_upload items confirm name: Click to save. General banner_upload items confirm lore: - '' - ' Click here to save.' # TRANSLATIONS OF THE COMMANDS COMMANDS: clan help show on_help: Click to view help of Clans.'> /{_clan} {_help} - Show help menu. clan help show on_success: '%tag% You are seeing the help!' clan help show on_error: '%tag%Error to show text.' clan help show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_help}' clan create show on_help: Create a new Clan.'> /{_clan} {_create} - Click to create a new Clan. clan create show on_success: '%tag% You have created a new clan!' clan create show on_error: '%tag% Error creating a new Clan, try again.' clan create show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_create} ' clan cancel show on_help: Click to cancel pending actions.'> /{_clan} {_cancel} - Cancel pending actions. clan cancel show on_success: '%tag% Successfully canceled!!' clan cancel show on_error: '%tag% Error canceling' clan cancel show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_cancel}' clan changeleader show on_help: Click to transfer the leadership.'> /{_clan} {_changeleader} - Transfer the leadership. clan changeleader show on_success: '%tag% You have changed clan leadership to %clan_leader%' clan changeleader show on_error: '%tag% Error transferring leadership.' clan changeleader show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_changeleader} ' clan desc show on_help: Click to add/change a clan description.'> /{_clan} {_desc} - Add description to Clan. clan desc show on_success: '%tag% You have changed the description of clan!' clan desc show on_error: '%tag% Error changing the Clan description.' clan desc show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_desc} ' clan disband show on_help: Click to disband a clan.'> /{_clan} {_disband} - Delete you Clan. clan disband show on_success: '%tag% You have deleted you clan!' clan disband show on_error: '%tag% Error deleting the Clan, try again.' clan disband show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_disband}' clan leave show on_help: Click to leave to Clan.'> /{_clan} {_leave} - Leave a Clan. clan leave show on_success: '%tag% You left the Clan!' clan leave show on_error: '%tag% Error when leaving the Clan, try again.' clan leave show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_leave}' clan join show on_help: Click to accept an invitation.'> /{_clan} {_join} - Accept a clan invitation. clan join show on_success: '%tag% You have accepted the invitation to enter the clan!' clan join show on_error: '%tag% Error entering the clan, try again.' clan join show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_join} ' clan deny show on_help: Click to cancel invite.'> /{_clan} {_deny} - Deny clan invite. clan deny show on_success: '%tag% You have danied invite!' clan deny show on_error: '%tag% Error declining invitation.' clan deny show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_deny} ' clan promote show on_help: Click to promote a player.'> /{_clan} {_promote} - Promote a member. clan promote show on_success: '%tag% The player received a promotion.' clan promote show on_error: '%tag% This player has no more promotions available.' clan promote show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_promote} ' clan demote show on_help: Click to demote a player.'> /{_clan} {_demote} - Demote a member. clan demote show on_success: '%tag% Player has been demoted in clan.' clan demote show on_error: '%tag% This player cannot be demoted further' clan demote show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_demote} ' clan home show on_help: Click to expand home commands.'> /{_clan} {_home} - Clan homes. With sub commands.'>[!] clan home show on_success: '%tag% Success!' clan home show on_error: '%tag% Error when using command.' clan home show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home}' clan home subcommands create: Click to create.'> /{_clan} {_home} {_create} (password)- Create a home. clan home subcommands create show on_success: '%tag% The new clan home has been successfully created.' clan home subcommands create show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while creating.' clan home subcommands create show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home} {_create} (password)' clan home subcommands delete: Click to delete a home.'> /{_clan} {_home} {_delete} - Delete a home. clan home subcommands delete show on_success: '%tag% The new clan home has been successfully deleted.' clan home subcommands delete show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while deleting.' clan home subcommands delete show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home} {_delete} ' clan home subcommands list: Click to list all homes.'> /{_clan} {_home} {_list} (tag) (-gui) - List all homes. clan home subcommands list show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan home subcommands list show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while listing.' clan home subcommands list show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home} {_list} (tag) (-gui)' clan home subcommands teleport: Click to teleport to home.'> /{_clan} {_home} {_teleport} - Teleport to home. clan home subcommands teleport show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan home subcommands teleport show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while teleport.' clan home subcommands teleport show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home} {_teleport} ' clan home subcommands view: Click to view a home.'> /{_clan} {_home} {_view} - View a home. clan home subcommands view show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan home subcommands view show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while view.' clan home subcommands view show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_home} {_view} ' clan chat show on_help: Click to toggle clan chat.'> /{_clan} {_chat} - Toggle clan chat. clan chat show on_success: '%tag% Clan locked chat as now: %player_chat%' clan chat show on_error: '%tag% Error to use chat.' clan chat show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_chat}' clan ff show on_help: Click to toggle clan friendly fire.'> /{_clan} {_ff} - Toggle clan friendly fire. clan ff show on_success: '%tag% Friendly Fire of Clan as changed to %clan_ff%' clan ff show on_error: '%tag% Error to use ff.' clan ff show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ff}' clan modtag show on_help: Click to change clan tag.'> /{_clan} {_modtag} - Change clan tag. clan modtag show on_success: '%tag% A tag of Clan as changed to %clan_tag%' clan modtag show on_error: '%tag% Error when changing the clan Tag.' clan modtag show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_modtag} ' clan list show on_help: Click to list all clans.'> /{_clan} {_list} (type) (-gui) - List all clans. clan list show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan list show on_error: '%tag% Error to use list.' clan list show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_list} (type) (-gui)' clan info show on_help: Click to view clan info.'> /{_clan} {_info} (tag) (-gui) - View clan info. clan info show on_success: '' clan info show on_error: '%tag% Error to use info.' clan info show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_info} (tag) (-gui)' clan profile show on_help: Click to expand.'> /{_clan} {_profile} - View member commands. With sub commands.'>[!] clan profile show on_success: '%tag% Success!' clan profile show on_error: '%tag% Error to use profile.' clan profile show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_profile}' clan profile subcommands view: Click to view a profile.'> /{_clan} {_profile} {_view} (player) (-gui) - View player profile. clan profile subcommands view show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan profile subcommands view show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while view.' clan profile subcommands view show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_profile} {_view} (player) (-gui)' clan profile subcommands set: Click to set profile settings.'> /{_clan} {_profile} {_set} - Set profile settings. clan profile subcommands set show on_success: '%tag% Profile configuration changed successfully' clan profile subcommands set show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing profile configuration.' clan profile subcommands set show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_profile} {_set} ' clan profile subcommands updateskin: Click to update skin.'> /{_clan} {_profile} {_updateskin} - Update skin. clan profile subcommands updateskin show on_success: '%tag% Updating skin, please wait...' clan profile subcommands updateskin show on_error: '%tag% There was an error updating the skin, maybe you updated it recently.' clan profile subcommands updateskin show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_profile} {_updateskin}' clan profile subcommands invites: Click to view invitations.'> /{_clan} {_profile} {_invites} (-gui) - View invitations. clan profile subcommands invites show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan profile subcommands invites show on_error: '%tag% There was an error listing invitations.' clan profile subcommands invites show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_profile} {_invites} (-gui)' clan rival show on_help: Click to expand rival commands.'> /{_clan} {_rival} - Clan rivalries. With sub commands.'>[!] clan rival show on_success: '%tag% List of rivalries is updated.' clan rival show on_error: '%tag% Error to use rival.' clan rival show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival}.' clan rival subcommands add: Click to add a new rival.'> /{_clan} {_rival} {_add} - Add clan rival. clan rival subcommands add show on_success: '%tag% New rival successfully added' clan rival subcommands add show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while adding the new rival.' clan rival subcommands add show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival} {_add} ' clan rival subcommands remove: Click to remove a rival.'> /{_clan} {_rival} {_remove} - Remove a rival. clan rival subcommands remove show on_success: '%tag% New rival clan successfully added' clan rival subcommands remove show on_error: '%tag% Error removing rival clan.' clan rival subcommands remove show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival} {_remove} ' clan rival subcommands list: Click to list clan rivalries.'> /{_clan} {_rival} {_list} (tag) (-gui) - List clan rivalries. clan rival subcommands list show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan rival subcommands list show on_error: '%tag% Error listing rivalries.' clan rival subcommands list show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival} {_list} (tag) (-gui)' clan rival subcommands deny: Click to deny a rival.'> /{_clan} {_rival} {_deny} - Deny a rival. clan rival subcommands deny show on_success: '%tag% New rival clan successfully danied' clan rival subcommands deny show on_error: '%tag% Error deny rival clan.' clan rival subcommands deny show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival} {_deny} ' clan rival subcommands accept: Click to accept a rival.'> /{_clan} {_rival} {_accept} - Accept a rival. clan rival subcommands accept show on_success: '%tag% New rival clan successfully accepted' clan rival subcommands accept show on_error: '%tag% Error accept rival clan.' clan rival subcommands accept show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_rival} {_accept} ' clan ally show on_help: Click to expand ally commands.'> /{_clan} {_ally} - Clan alliances. With sub commands.'>[!] clan ally show on_success: '%tag% List of alliances is updated.' clan ally show on_error: '%tag% Error to use ally.' clan ally show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally}' clan ally subcommands add: Click to add new ally.'> /{_clan} {_ally} {_add} - Add new ally. clan ally subcommands add show on_success: '%tag% New alliance invitation sent, please wait...' clan ally subcommands add show on_error: '%tag% Error sending invitation.' clan ally subcommands add show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally} {_add} ' clan ally subcommands remove: Click to remove clan alliances.'> /{_clan} {_ally} {_remove} - Remove an alliance. clan ally subcommands remove show on_success: '%tag% Alliance removed successfully.' clan ally subcommands remove show on_error: '%tag% Error removing alliance.' clan ally subcommands remove show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally} {_remove} ' clan ally subcommands accept: Click to accept clan alliances.'> /{_clan} {_ally} {_accept} - List clan alliances. clan ally subcommands accept show on_success: '%tag% New alliance successfully accepted' clan ally subcommands accept show on_error: '%tag% Error accepting alliance.' clan ally subcommands accept show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally} {_accept} ' clan ally subcommands deny: Click to deny clan alliances.'> /{_clan} {_ally} {_deny} - Deny clan alliance. clan ally subcommands deny show on_success: '%tag% Alliance successfully denied' clan ally subcommands deny show on_error: '%tag% Error when denying alliance.' clan ally subcommands deny show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally} {_deny} ' clan ally subcommands list: Click to list clan alliances.'> /{_clan} {_ally} {_list} (tag) (-gui) - List clan alliances. clan ally subcommands list show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan ally subcommands list show on_error: '%tag% Error listing alliances.' clan ally subcommands list show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ally} {_list} (tag) (-gui)' clan member show on_help: Cick to expand member commands.'> /{_clan} {_member} - Clan member. With sub commands.'>[!] clan member show on_success: '%tag% Success to use member.' clan member show on_error: '%tag% Error to use member.' clan member show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_member}' clan member subcommands invite: Click to invite a player.'> /{_clan} {_member} {_invite} - Invite a player. clan member subcommands invite show on_success: '%tag% New invitation sent successfully, wait to accept or deny the request' clan member subcommands invite show on_error: '%tag% There was an error sending the invitation.' clan member subcommands invite show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_member} {_invite} ' clan member subcommands kick: Click to kick a member.'> /{_clan} {_member} {_kick} - Kick a member. clan member subcommands kick show on_success: '%tag% The player was successfully kicked' clan member subcommands kick show on_error: '%tag% There was an error kicking the player.' clan member subcommands kick show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_member} {_kick} ' clan member subcommands list: Click to list clan member.'> /{_clan} {_member} {_list} (tag) (-gui) - List clan member. clan member subcommands list show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan member subcommands list show on_error: '%tag% Error listing member.' clan member subcommands list show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_member} {_list} (tag) (-gui)' clan member subcommands search: Click to search a member.'> /{_clan} {_member} {_search} (-gui) - Search a member. clan member subcommands search show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan member subcommands search show on_error: '%tag% Error searching member.' clan member subcommands search show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_member} {_search} (-gui)' clan settings show on_help: Click to expand settings commands.'> /{_clan} {_settings} - Change clan settings. With sub commands.'>[!] clan settings show on_success: '%tag% success' clan settings show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing clan settings.' clan settings show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_settings}' clan settings subcommands banned: Click to list banned players.'> /{_clan} {_settings} {_banned} (-gui) - List banned players. clan settings subcommands banned show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan settings subcommands banned show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while listing banned players.' clan settings subcommands banned show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_settings} {_banned} (-gui)' clan settings subcommands view: Click to view clan settings'> /{_clan} {_settings} {_view} (-gui) - View clan settings. clan settings subcommands view show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan settings subcommands view show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred when viewing the clan settings' clan settings subcommands view show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_settings} {_view} (-gui)' clan settings subcommands set: Click to change clan settings'> /{_clan} {_settings} {_set} - Change clan settings. clan settings subcommands set show on_success: '%tag% Clan settings changed to %type%:%value%' clan settings subcommands set show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing clan settings.' clan settings subcommands set show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_settings} {_set} ' clan role show on_help: Click to expand role commands.'> /{_clan} {_role} - Change clan role. With sub commands.'>[!] clan role show on_success: '%tag% success' clan role show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing clan role.' clan role show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_role}' clan role subcommands sync: Click to sync role permissions.'> /{_clan} {_role} {_sync} (-gui) - Sync role permissions. clan role subcommands sync show on_success: '%tag% Success' clan role subcommands sync show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while sync roles.' clan role subcommands sync show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_role} {_sync}' clan role subcommands view: Click to view clan role'> /{_clan} {_role} {_view} (-gui) - View clan role. clan role subcommands view show on_success: '%tag% Permissions have been successfully synced.' clan role subcommands view show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred when viewing the clan role' clan role subcommands view show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_role} {_view} (-gui)' clan role subcommands set: Click to change clan role'> /{_clan} {_role} {_set} - Change clan role. clan role subcommands set show on_success: '%tag% Clan role %role% changed to %key%:%value%' clan role subcommands set show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing clan role.' clan role subcommands set show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_role} {_set} ' clan regroup show on_help: Click to expand regroup commands.'> /{_clan} {_regroup} - Regroup the clan. With sub commands.'>[!] clan regroup show on_success: '%tag% The regroup request has been sent.' clan regroup show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred when submitting the order.' clan regroup show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_regroup}' clan regroup subcommands send: Click to send a regroup invite'> /{_clan} {_regroup} {_send} - Send a clan regroup. clan regroup subcommands send show on_success: '%tag% Invitation to regroup successfully sent, wait for player response' clan regroup subcommands send show on_error: '%tag% There was an error sending the regroup invitation.' clan regroup subcommands send show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_regroup} {_send}' clan regroup subcommands accept: Click to accept a regroup invite'> /{_clan} {_regroup} {_accept} - Accept a regroup invite. clan regroup subcommands accept show on_success: '%tag% You have successfully accepted the grouping invitation' clan regroup subcommands accept show on_error: '%tag% There was an error accepting the regroup invitation' clan regroup subcommands accept show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_regroup} {_accept}' clan regroup subcommands deny: Click to deny a regroup invite'> /{_clan} {_regroup} {_deny} - Deny a regroup invite. clan regroup subcommands deny show on_success: '%tag% You have successfully danied the grouping invitation' clan regroup subcommands deny show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while denying the regroup invitation.' clan regroup subcommands deny show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_regroup} {_deny}' clan ban show on_help: Click to ban a player.'> /{_clan} {_ban} - Ban a player. clan ban show on_success: '%tag% The player has been successfully banned.' clan ban show on_error: '%tag% There was an error banning the player.' clan ban show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_ban} ' clan unban show on_help: Click to unban a player.'> /{_clan} {_unban} - Unban a player. clan unban show on_success: '%tag% The player has been successfully unbanned.' clan unban show on_error: '%tag% There was an error unbanning the player.' clan unban show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_unban} ' clan nickname show on_help: Click to change clan nickname.'> /{_clan} {_nickname} - Change clan nickname. clan nickname show on_success: '%tag% You has been successfully changed nickname.' clan nickname show on_error: '%tag% There was an error on changing nickname.' clan nickname show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_nickname} ' clan banner show on_help: Click to expand banner commands.'> /{_clan} {_banner} - Change clan banner. With sub commands.'>[!] clan banner show on_success: '%tag% success' clan banner show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing clan banner.' clan banner show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_banner}' clan banner subcommands upload: Click to upload a banner.'> /{_clan} {_banner} {_upload} (-gui) - Upload a clan banner. clan banner subcommands upload show on_success: '%tag% New clan banner successfully saved.' clan banner subcommands upload show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while uploadind banned players.' clan banner subcommands upload show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_banner} {_upload} (-gui)' clan banner subcommands delete: Click to delete the banner.'> /{_clan} {_banner} {_delete} - Delete the clan banner. clan banner subcommands delete show on_success: '%tag% The banner has been successfully deleted.' clan banner subcommands delete show on_error: '%tag% There was an error deleting the clan banner.' clan banner subcommands delete show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_banner} {_delete}' clan banner subcommands view: Click to view banner information.'> /{_clan} {_banner} {_view} (-gui) - View banner information. clan banner subcommands view show on_success: '%tag% Success.' clan banner subcommands view show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while viewind clan banner.' clan banner subcommands view show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_clan} {_banner} {_view} (-gui)' uclan help show on_help: Click to view help of Clans.'> /{_uclan} {_help} - Show help menu. uclan help show on_success: '%tag% Success to use help.' uclan help show on_error: '%tag% Error to use help' uclan help show on_usage: '%tag% Error use /{_uclan} {_help}' uclan chatspy show on_help: Click to spy on clan chat.'> /{_uclan} {_chatspy} - Spy the clan chat. uclan chatspy show on_success: '%tag% Chat Spy is now: %state%' uclan chatspy show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing.' uclan chatspy show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_chatspy}' uclan addslot show on_help: Click to add slots to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_addslot} - Add slots to the Clan. uclan addslot show on_success: '%tag% You have added %num% slots to the %clan% clan' uclan addslot show on_error: '%tag% There was an error adding.' uclan addslot show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_addslot} ' uclan setslot show on_help: Click to set slots to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_setslot} - Set slots to the Clan. uclan setslot show on_success: '%tag% You have set %num% slots to the %clan% clan' uclan setslot show on_error: '%tag% There was an error adding.' uclan setslot show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_setslot} ' uclan removeslot show on_help: Click to remove slots to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_removeslot} - Remove slots to the Clan. uclan removeslot show on_success: '%tag% You have removed %num% slots to the %clan% clan' uclan removeslot show on_error: '%tag% There was an error adding.' uclan removeslot show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_removeslot} ' uclan addpoints show on_help: Click to add points to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_addpoints} [reason] - Add points to the Clan. uclan addpoints show on_success: '%tag% You have added %num% points to the %clan% clan' uclan addpoints show on_error: '%tag% There was an error adding.' uclan addpoints show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_addpoints} [reason]' uclan setpoints show on_help: Click to set points to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_setpoints} [reason] - Set points to the Clan. uclan setpoints show on_success: '%tag% You have set %num% points to the %clan% clan' uclan setpoints show on_error: '%tag% There was an error adding.' uclan setpoints show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_setpoints} [reason]' uclan removepoints show on_help: Click to remove points to the clan.'> /{_uclan} {_removepoints} [reason] - Remove points to the Clan. uclan removepoints show on_success: '%tag% You have removed %num% points to the %clan% clan' uclan removepoints show on_error: '%tag% There was an error remove.' uclan removepoints show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_removepoints} [reason]' uclan changetag show on_help: Click to changing a clan tag.'> /{_uclan} {_changetag} - Changing a clan tag. uclan changetag show on_success: '%tag% The clan tag %clan% has been changed to %newtag%' uclan changetag show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while changing the tag.' uclan changetag show on_usage: '%tag% Erro use /{_uclan} {_changetag} ' uclan resetplayerkdr show on_help: Click to reset player KDR.'> /{_uclan} {_resetplayerkdr} - Reset Player KDR. uclan resetplayerkdr show on_success: '%tag% You have reset the KDR of the player %player%' uclan resetplayerkdr show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while resetting' uclan resetplayerkdr show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_resetplayerkdr} ' uclan resetclankdr show on_help: Click to reset Clan KDR.'> /{_uclan} {_resetclankdr} - Reset Clan KDR. uclan resetclankdr show on_success: '%tag% You have reset the KDR of the clan %uclans_tag_color%' uclan resetclankdr show on_error: '%tag% An error occurred while resetting' uclan resetclankdr show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_resetclankdr} ' uclan globalff show on_help: Click to toggle clan friendly fire.'> /{_uclan} {_globalff} - Toggle clan friendly fire. uclan globalff show on_success: '%tag% You have changed a global ff to %globalff%' uclan globalff show on_error: '%tag% Error to use globaff.' uclan globalff show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_globalff}' uclan delete show on_help: Click to delete a clan.'> /{_uclan} {_delete} - Delete a clan. uclan delete show on_success: '%tag% You have deleted a clan!' uclan delete show on_error: '%tag% Error deleting the clan.' uclan delete show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_delete} ' uclan forcejoin show on_help: Click to add a player to a clan.'> /{_uclan} {_forcejoin} - Add a player to a clan. uclan forcejoin show on_success: '%tag% You added the player!' uclan forcejoin show on_error: '%tag% Error adding player.' uclan forcejoin show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_forcejoin} ' uclan verify show on_help: Click to verify a clan.'> /{_uclan} {_verify} - Verify a clan. uclan verify show on_success: '%tag% You have toggled clan verification!' uclan verify show on_error: '%tag% Error checking the clan.' uclan verify show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_verify} ' uclan reload show on_help: Click to reload plugin configurations.'> /{_uclan} {_reload} - Reload the settings. uclan reload show on_success: '%tag% Plugin reloaded successfully (%time%).' uclan reload show on_error: '%tag% Error reloading settings.' uclan reload show on_usage: '%tag% Use /{_uclan} {_reload}' # TRANSLATIONS OF THE CHAT ACTIONS CHAT: changenickname: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Type your temporary nickname in the chat, it must contain only letters and numbers. - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Type your temporary nickname in the chat! title: line: ! Nickname subline: Type in the chat! bossbar: ! Type your nickname in the chat! ({time}) commandunknownplayer: message: - '%tag% Unknown command, Click here to view Help.">[CLICK HERE] or use /{_clan} {_help} to see the list of available commands.' actionbar: /{_clan} {_help} to see available commands. title: line: ! /{_clan} {_help} subline: To see commands! bossbar: /{_clan} {_help} to see available commands. ({time}) commandunknownadmin: message: - '%tag% Unknown command, Click here to view Help.">[CLICK HERE] or use /uclan help to see the list of available commands.' actionbar: /uclan help to see available commands. title: line: ! /uclan help subline: To see commands! bossbar: /uclan help to see available commands. ({time}) clanlevelreceived: message: - '%tag% The %uclans_tag_color% clan is now at level %uclans_level%' actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% clan is now at level %uclans_level% title: line: + Level subline: %uclans_tag_color% bossbar: %uclans_tag_color% clan is now at level %uclans_level% ({time}) clanpatentreceived: message: - '%tag% The %uclans_tag_color% changed patent to %uclans_patent_formated%' actionbar: %uclans_tag_color% has new patent %uclans_patent_formated% title: line: + Patent subline: %uclans_patent_formated% bossbar: %uclans_tag_color% has new patent %uclans_patent_formated% ({time}) clanhomecreate: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Write in the chat the name of the new Clan Home. - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Type your new clan home in the chat! title: line: ! New Home subline: Type in the chat! bossbar: ! Type your new clan home in the chat! ({time}) clancreate: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Write in the chat the tag of the New Clan you want to create . - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Write the tag of your new clan in the chat! title: line: ! New Clan subline: Write in the chat! bossbar: ! Write the tag in the chat! ({time}) clanmodtag: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Write in the chat the New Tag of the clan . - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Write the new tag of the clan in the chat! title: line: ! New Tag subline: Write in the chat! bossbar: ! Write the new tag in the chat! ({time}) clandesc: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Write in the chat the New Description of the clan . - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Write the new tag of the clan in the chat! title: line: ! New Description subline: Write in the chat! bossbar: ! Write the new description in the chat! ({time}) invitereceive: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Invitation received to join Clan %clan_tag_nocolor% - Click to accept, or use /{_clan} {_join} %clan_tag_nocolor%.">[ACCEPT] Click to deny, or use /{_clan} {_deny} %clan_tag_nocolor%.">[DENY] Click to view all, or use /{_clan} {_profile} {_invites} .">[VIEW ALL] - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Invitation received to join Clan %clan_tag_nocolor% title: line: ! New Invitation subline: Clan %clan_tag_nocolor% bossbar: ! Invitation received to join Clan %clan_tag_nocolor% ({time}) clanregroupreceive: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Regroup request received! %clan_sender% - ! Expires in %sec_expires% sec. - Click to accept, or use /{_clan} {_regroup} accept.">[ACCEPT] - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! Regroup request received! title: line: ! Regroup request subline: Accept or ignore? bossbar: ! Regroup request received! ({time}) claninvite: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Write in the chat who you want to invite to the clan. - ' - Type cancel or Click to cancel.">[CLICK HERE] to cancel.' - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! >Write in the chat who you want to invite! title: line: ! New Invite subline: Write in the chat? bossbar: ! Write in the chat who you want to invite! ({time}) clanrivalremove: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! The %clan_tag% clan has sent a peace request. - ! Expires in %sec_expires% sec. - Click to accept, or use /{_clan} {_rival} {_accept} %clan_tag_nocolor%.">[ACCEPT] Click to deny, or use /{_clan} {_rival} {_deny} %clan_tag_nocolor%">[DENY] - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! >Peace request received! title: line: ! Peace request subline: Write in the chat? bossbar: ! Peace request received! ({time}) clanallyreceive: message: - ' ' - ----------------------------------------------- - ! Alliance request received from clan %clan_tag% - ! Expires in %sec_expires% sec. - Click to accept, or use /{_clan} {_ally} {_accept} %clan_tag_nocolor%">[ACCEPT] Click to deny, or use /{_clan} {_ally} {_deny} %clan_tag_nocolor%">[DENY] - ----------------------------------------------- - ' ' actionbar: ! >Alliance request received title: line: ! Alliance request subline: Accept or Deny? bossbar: ! Alliance request received ({time})