{ "task": "Automate a test for a login feature on a demo web application.", "scenario": { "steps": [ "Navigate to the login page at https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/login.", "Enter the username 'tomsmith' and the password 'SuperSecretPassword!'.", "Click the 'Login' button.", "Verify that the user is redirected to the secure area with the URL https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/secure.", "Confirm that the message 'Welcome to the Secure Area. When you are done click logout below.' is displayed on the page." ] }, "requirements": { "script": [ "The automation script should be concise and well-structured.", "Ensure the script is modular and follows best practices for maintainability and readability." ], "execution": [ "The script must be designed to execute successfully using the provided URL and credentials.", "All verifications should be dynamic and account for potential changes in response time or element visibility." ], "reporting": [ "Capture and log test results, including execution time, pass/fail status of each step, and a summary of the overall test result.", "Include a screenshot of the failure state in the report if the test fails." ] }, "tools": { "frameworks": [ "You may assume the use of modern UI automation frameworks such as Selenium, Playwright, or Cypress." ], "reporting": [ "Consider using tools like Allure, Extent Reports, or native reporting capabilities of the chosen framework." ] }, "goal": [ "Provide a step-by-step breakdown of how the automation script would look.", "Include sample code for at least one of the steps.", "Describe at a high level how the reporting functionality will be implemented." ] }